Just when you think there might be a good thing, something has to go wrong... My daughter Jessica finally got a job... She is going to be the GM of Quiznos... It will be alot of hours, but she will get to work her own hours and hire who she wants. She starts training next week. she has some pretty interesting things she wants to do with it and to make it a fun place to eat at...
But then, alas the bad happens... Everyone seems to have some kind of complaint and I am sick of all of it... Then it seems that all my things are everyone elses things... You say no... Nope, they don't listen... It is still not within my grasps... Ughhhh, solitude is something I so look forward too and I just can't wait for that day to happen when I can go on a drive about and nobody else is there, I can crank up the radio, step on the pedles and go where I want to go and when and then decide if I want to call someone... Maybe even do a Thelma and Louise, not sure...
But on another note: Wait there is no other note right now... I will post more later on after I get all vented out... P.S. It's great to have Shirley as my newest follower.
Finally figured out how to leave a comment. Grrr! Lady, I think you need to get tough! with the family. I've been there with kids and g-kids living with us, and you just CANNOT let them have the upper hand. It is YOUR house, your rules, and they have to respect that.
And let them know you need and expect help. My d-in-laws got the vac put in their hands if they didn't volunteer, and handed a dishrag if they didn't get a more subtle hint! So did the sons! There is no way yo should be so stressed! OK, now I've butted in, I feel better. LOL
Hey, this could be fun
You are alwways welcome to butt in, thats what sisters are for, lol... I think it's an accumulation of things and issues... But thanks for the stop by...
P.S. When I get some time when I can go out of the house by myself without the hintchman/woman, I will explain myself...
sandie, Sandie, Sandie.
I understand,
lol, i knew you would Jen... It is what it is I am sure :)
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