Thinking about the word power and what it really means. Is there really such a thing? I wonder if there is... I think there is those who have egos that are way to big for their own good and think they have power... But when it comes down to it, there is only one that is in control and that is God... We can rationalize anything and make it look like we have a choice in matters. I guess in some ways, but not where it really counts... Then there are those who think they know everything and go on and on and on about NOTHING at all... Or the one who thinks their opinion is all that matters when it doesn't really matter at all and I don't really care what is being said because it is all rubbish and not even worth listening to in the first place... Oh well, what can ya do? You can sit there listen to the yak yak yak and act like you are listening, or you can just shoot yourself... Not sure which the worst choice will be... I always thought I talked alot, but let's say, I know someone who can out talk me even in my sleep or more talkative days...
But other than the above ramblings... Today was our Community Services Expo meeting... It went pretty good for the most part. We just have to make sure that everyone and everything gets done like it needs to get done... I have been such a slacker in this department and not sure how beneficial I am actually on the board... I think I more or less just get people together and make sure things are done...
But I am going to go for the night and watch my Big Brother After Dark and take a shower and maybe get some sleep and be ready to start another day in Paradise... Is there such a thing or not? I DO NOT think there is anything here on earth that can be considered a paradise...
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