There are many I am sure who wouldn't think it is important to go to a Christmas Eve service... I know for myself, it helps start the day off right and it is so inspiring when you stand in a circle with everyones candles lit and you can see all the people by the glow of the candles while singing Silent Night... I can't help but get emotional a bit when doing this simple thing to worship Christ and be thankful for the Birth that changed the world. But I guess things will work out... They always do :)
Other than that, there is nothing really going on... JJ's birthday is coming up soon... I doubt that the one family he wants to come to his birthday and everytime we pass her place of work, he wants to go there... But I know it will bring on more and more drama and I am just not into that... But hopefully she understands that no matter what she thinks or feels that there are many that love her and the boys, no matter what... So I will leave it at that since she doesn't like her name mentioned in my blog...
But I am going to go now.. Have a good evening everyone...
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