What part of need brakes done do people NOT understand... I recently put a 1981 Ford Fairmont on KSL for sale for $300.00... First of all, for $300.00 what do people want? Do they think they are going to get a car that runs like a brand new car or what? If they are, then I may be able to give them a few names of good psychiatrists for delusions and such...

What got me on this subject was this guy with his two sons that lived in Orem... In my ad it stated that the muffler needed to be fixed, the brakes need bled and a few other smaller things... It's an 81, so it is a given... But this guy wanted to drive the car back to Salt Lake... Hmmm, not sure smart should be put on his resume or what! But needless to say, when he got here to my house after a 6 hour drive he stated out of thin air ' The muffler needs done and the brakes don't work"...
Well NO diggity... If the description was read, it stated that, so a little common sense would tell you to bring a truck or a trailer and haul it back and then work on it... But nope, that is not what he did. He loaded up his little red car and drove the 6 hours and thinking he can drive the Fairmont back to Salt Lake... Hmmm, not sure what to think on that one, lol... But it was a total waste of time on my part... I had to drive home and miss a fundraiser that I was suppose to go to in order to meet these guys that had no inkling....

So this is my rant for the day... Oh, I better add, wait a sec... Maybe I better leave it alone in case this person comes on here and reads my blog... But then again, she knows I have it and for some reason she never thinks to read it... Good thing I guess since I do alot of venting on here... Hopefully more good than bad... But there are just days I would like to tell people "Here's Your Sign"! Wonder if they would notice the sign if it was put right in front of them or not? Who knows? Too many idiots and such in this world and I would prefer to put them all on their own little island and have their own little reality show that nobody cares about, lol... Too much reality or should I say reality that is for the enjoyment of others... I wouldn't enjoy seeing idiots compete to see who the biggest idiot is... So I bid thee good night and hope everyone has no idiots in their lives...
If you are one of the idiots in my life... I will apologize now... But then again, I have no room for Idiots, so all those in my life should be exempt from wondering if this post is about them...Now I know some people who have some idiots in their lives, but I won't name any names :)
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