I am thinking I am sick of hearing the word I POD and the word taken advantage of... In my house there has been there stupid argument going on between my niece and her mom over an I POD.. My sister won this IPOD at her companies Christmas party... Then she let me niece/her daughter have in in exchange for a different IPOD and some other things... Now it is almost a daily ritual about who took advantage of who and who was dishonest... My thought is that my niece should give it back to her, and just put it behind her... Is a stinking IPOD really worth all the fighting and anger? I would think not! I am hoping after my niece gets her a new one then I will hear the end of this whole stupid argument... I can see why my sister would be upset in alot of ways... Because she just won it and then my niece is there wanting it right after that... But then my sister if she could see that her daughter was trying to work her over, should have just said NO and left it at that and walked off... Not sure, but I am not impressed over the whole fight and it isn't worth it to begin with and worth the anger that this stupid item has brought about... It is a constant argument... Ughhh...Sorry all, just needed to vent a tad bit...

I would think that rebuilding the relationship would be more important than this little hand held device that seems to separate them even more... I do hope that one day they can see how this really is... My niece should never have tried to get it and my sister should never have given into her... I guess it is a no win situation and this is when greed and wanting more takes over and presides over family... I hope the IPod is worth it... I know I am tired of hearing all about who done what to who and for what reason they did it and what is going to happen to this person for doing said thing...
I agree about your neice not being greedy about the ipod and stuff and other things I want to say about it I will tell you later. They need to let it go and get on with their darn lives and stop being so stupid.
Yes, I agree totally... Today has just been one of those days and when I don't feel good at all and then you can cut the tension with a knife... It's like grow up and worry about things that are more important...
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