Was talking to someone the other day or maybe it was today, not sure... But we were talking about how much of a pain it is with insurance companies... But then my thoughts from there went to illegal aliens... It so gets me when people who are not here legally can go to the hospital or go get free care and not even have to pay for it... But yet, when I go to the ER or those who have insurance or make over so much money will end up literally paying thousands out of their pocket if they got really sick... Wonder if there might be perks to being in the United States illegally... I have seen so many get on food stamps, free medical and Lord knows what else... Now granted everyone should be able to get medical attention, food and the necessities of life... But when it comes to people who are born here or live here legally get turned away, I think that is a crock... I'm not going to go into personal issues or things like that, but there is something wrong if a person who is here legally can't get the care, medicines or whatever else is needed because they either make more than they should or have insurance, but still the co pays are horrible... I know many who have fallen through the cracks and yet when you are sitting in the ER and the people that work there ask if you have insurance and they say no and can't even speak English and they get taken right back... But then when you go back they ask you if you have insurance and you say yes, but you know it is in no way going to cover the bill and they tell you the co pay is $250.00 or more... Now granted you will get seen, but you will be told how you will be billed and responsible for the bill... Yet the people that was there before you are told nothing... Like I said, that is a crock...
Then you have the Dr's. Free Clinic... I think they offer and awesome service to those who need it... But it is still the same thing, if you make too much or have insurance, you aren't seen there... They get medications at a tremendous discount or free... Yet some of my medicines are well over $400.00 and because you make over $20.000 a year, you don't qualify for anything... But this is my frustration of the day, so just decided to vent a bit... I know it sounds bad... But there are people in our country that need to get medical attention and just because they aren't dirt poor or here illegally, they don't get what they need... I wonder if we went to these other countries if they would be so willing to shell out thousands of dollars for our care? I doubt it highly...
The other day on the news they were talking about these two young boys from another country that needed medical... The family went through the proper channels, the Shriner's is paying for their needs and the family in the other country is helping support them and they are working and paying taxes because they have work visa and a medical visa... Why is it that others don't go through this process and have respect for what they get... This family showed that they can get the help they needed and still be here legally, even if it is short term...
In closing... If people go through the process of being here legally then that is one thing... But to be here illegally and never paying into anything is another... We are paying for them to be here and their care... Granted the United States is built on immigration... But they all became citizens and contributed and appreciated being here, not sucking our system dry... If they go through the proper channels, that's awesome... And I totally feel bad for the kids that come here, because they are children and didn't make the choice... And not all people who are here illegally are from Mexico... They are from other countries as well...
OK, one more vent on this... Why is it that we have to learn Spanish to get a better job or why is it that food and other items come in both English and Spanish... We are here in the United States... We shouldn't have to compromise and be forced to accept other languages... If we went to the other countries, they would expect us to learn the language and they wouldn't change their packaging to accommodate me...
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