Today I am sitting in church and IT just wasn't there... Its hard to explain the IT factor because I don't even know how to explain it... Not sure if IT is just because I don't feel good and taking things the wrong way or things are what IT is... A few things are going through my brain on this IT issue... One is to take a break from church and things and just figure out what IT is all about or just stop doing things all together... I am thinking this way then if people have grumbles or something is missing or not working or whatever IT may be, then I am not going to worry about IT...
I'm not sure if others have had just random thoughts running through there head at church when you should be listening to the sermon... But today was one of those days for me and not sure why that was... Like I said, I just wasn't feeling IT... I don't know if God is closing a door or leaving IT ajar or what... Or maybe IT is me that is closing IT or leaving it ajar... But I have decided today to step back and re-evauate where I am at and what I am doing there... I don't really feel like I am adding much to anything or doing anything important that others wouldn't be able to do and mess up... They may be able to mess IT up just as much as I do and feel right at home... I am thinking also that I will just have Craig bring me the sermons and keep up that way...
BTW this shouldn't be taken as a bad blog, just a thinking outloud one or on my blog post...
Other than that, I came home today, took a nap and then we had a power outage... Thats what woke me up from my nap... My fan stopped running and thats not cool...
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