When I was little we lived in Indiana... I loved it when I catch a glimpse of the first lightening bugs... I had my jar ready to catch and release them... We would make sure to punch holes in the lids so they wouldn't die... That would be terrible to catch them and then they die before our eyes... The lights would be no more... Anyhow, we would sit on the steps of our house or my grandmas house and we would have watermelon in hand and wait till it was dark enough to catch these cool bugs with lighted butts... If you watched them long enough, you could see they had patterns as if they were talking to each other through the speed of light... I did find out later that was what they were doing... Here in Utah, there are no lightening bugs... Must be too dry or hot for these interesting little creatures... I have always been intrigued by lightening bugs... I couldn't help but wonder how God put a light in the rear end of a bug... I know it isn't a good image, but as a child, I seen it that way... Whenever we come across them, they appear to be similar to some “little light bulbs that float in the air..

I wanted to find out more about why these little flying bugs had lighted butts ... So here it is... I found this on many websites and thought I would share this tid bit of information with you all... It isn't as interesting as God wanting us to enjoy the lights floating through the air... There is a good scientific reason, just not as fun of a reason...
In the kingdom of fireflies, light serves as a means of communication, much like words do in our case. When flashing up their light, turning it on and off, a firefly in fact just tries to carry on its dialogue with a fellow girl firefly, a dialogue known only by them though, because so far we haven’t been able to decipher what they are actually saying to each other.
Here is a page that will give you the more complete discription of a lightening bug... It goes into all the logical things about these interesting little creatures... I guess they are actually a beetle... But that doesn't sound as cool... Click Here for more info...
Video of Lightening Bugs
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