OK! I'm going to try to make this short and sweet and to the point...
Newsflash, But the World Doesn't Revolve Around You... Sorry to Burst your bubble...

Life does not revolve around just one person... It bugs me when someone thinks everything is about them or has to be about them... Maybe this is why when 99% of those who ask me how I'm doing I simply say "I'm Fine"... It's easier and safer... even though today I have been in one of those venting moods and been letting the world know that something has to be done about medical costs and prescription costs... But I'm working on that post... Anyhow, I'm sure we all have known people that think the world revolves around in our lives or someone else s... Or maybe,just maybe, you are the one who thinks this... If you are, let me tell you that
it doesn't... Mine is full of them lately... So I want to tell all those people who think that world revolves around them that it doesn't... There are billions of people in this world who would like to think that what they have to say counts or matters... So don't burst their bubble...
I have my moments where I'm on my pity party and I just want the world to know that I'm not impressed... But eventually I know I need to get off the pity potty and get back to what's important... Even if that is blogging about things that tick me off like
Self-Centered people who don't think about anyone other than themselves... Just Saying... Now the question is, who am I directing this blog posting to? And I would have to say to anyone who can't see that there are other people out there and that they are not the only one that counts or has feelings... OK, this is longer than I wanted, but got my venting going and now I'm done... So off the soapbox I go...
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