Craig and his car in it's rightful place... |
Since January, my brother in laws Buick has been sitting in my garage... First it has a blown head gasket and we got the parts for that, the oil change and all the other stuff... It only lasted for a week and then it was back in my garage... His car has spent more time in my garage then mine has... But finally today after more parts, it is running... That is a knock on wood type of thing... Hopefully he takes it easy with it to make sure all is well and there are no leaks... It is nice to see his car at his house finally... It has been hard for Chuck to work on the car and everything else because he usually only as a day off a week and is gone the rest of the time...
Welp as ya'll know, I often have sinceless ramblings about every topic!
I guess that is because God has allowed me to live so long?
Don't feel bad about working on cars. In Jan 2011 I purchased a brand new Chevy Cruze! Ya know the one that gets 40 miles per gal! Well this one never saw 30 miles to a gal. And not only that it has been infor service the frist year over 16 times! I make the payments to the bank and it's been in the shop over a month at a time! GM got their money and today the car sits on the car port cause were afraid to drive it! In the year we have had it it only has 6500 miles on it and I'd love to dump it! However I can't do that and be fair to anyone!
Remember what Jesus did when kicked over the merchants tables. Wonder if He'd come and kick over this one? Its just the way of the world rather ya fix the car or buy and new one! I't just junk that falls apart and rusts. Hmmm maybe we could go back to a horse or mule and a wagon?
At least the gas that comes out of the horse or mule can be used to firtilze da land and make groceries!
Ah I'm back in the saddel again! Unless that solicitor of law gets busy and gets things fixed! So I can get modern again! Well I guess I will count on thre Lord to fix it nobody else seems to be able to.
So Sandie thank God for Chuck at least he can fix your car maybe not today but when he can!
Wow pappy... I heard those were good cars... I guess not... I think the Amish have it right when they do things with the horse and buggy and don't rely on modern technology... And you know what pappy? They are able to get by and live a happy life... Or atleast from what I have seen... They put God first, then family... I lived not far from them in Indiana and I think they got it right... They live in this world and not of this world...
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