I can totally understand if the person is doing a blog for family members only or close friends... There was another guy asking this same question on my Facebook and I couldn't help but agree with him... Of course there are times you want to protect your identity and your family... But if you are sending out a public message to the world to read your blog, for goodness sake make it so it can be read... And if you don't want to, then send it out to only those who are part of your select group...
Select groups and people thinking they have to be in the middle of everything is another one of my pet peeves... Why is it that some people have to be involved in every little thing that goes on around them... Is it because they need to seem important or that they think they are more than what they are... I guess in my thoughts a person should go about their business and show glory to God and not themselves... I was on a website tonight that was a public website and it was surprising how much was based around one person...

Now granted I have no say so in what a person, group, organization or otherwise puts on their site... But it is interesting when you go to a page that is about a large group of people and you see more about one person, then the group... Maybe it's me... But it's kinda like when you go to church, the people are the body of Christ... If it was only about one person, that wouldn't be the body of Christ... It would be the one person trying to do it all...It would be called the Body of Sandie... Eeeks at the thought of that one... I promise I won't do that to anyone...
Has anyone been to a church like that? Where when you walk into the church, you can tell who runs the church... I know my friend Sue and some others knows what I'm talking about... Sue is a pastor in Wisconsin and she has seen many things... I think it is sad when one person has their hand in the middle of everything and I try to stay away from churches or groups like that... I think there needs to be an opportunity for everyone to feel needed and be a part of things...
There is this one lady I know that everyone didn't want to cross her or tell her a different way of doing things because she would get all uptight and it was as if you put a dagger in her heart... It was a mortal sin to question her or to have a point of view... I'm not going to go into names, because that does no good... Besides anyone who reads this won't know her anyhow...
But then on the other hand a very sweet lady Mattie Bennett... May she rest in peace... But she was the sweetest lady and showed me what a true Christian is... She didn't try to run everything or have all the attention to herself... She wanted everyone to do the best they can and she understood that everyone's role is important and that God has given everyone a special gift... Her gift was poetry and never giving up... Or that is the side I seen to her... Wow, I took this posting in a different direction... Hence the title Senseless Ramblings...

My point is in this post though is that it ticks me off when someone thinks they have to be all that and into everyone's business... And if they have a blog and they post an open link, then make it a usable link for everyone or don't post it at all... That would be like me posting my blog on Facebook or wherever and not allow anyone to read it... What the heck good does that do? That's my point and I will end this topic now...
awesome blog - great points---
Thank you... Thanks for dropping in...
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