This girl names Lisa from NY City posted a comment about how it's sad it always happens to white people and how terrible it is that it happened to white kids... This was a very inappropriate message, racist and full of hate if anyone cares what I think... I clicked on her name and was shocked when I read some of her posts... Seems like she posts messages on other sites about racism and such...

many others can post information that hurts others, lie about who they are, where they work and anything else they want to put out there... You know there is this thing called freedom of speech? I do think there needs to be less speech about racists remarks and hate though... Maybe that is just me, I don't know...
It's sad when you go onto social networks to visit with friends and family or whatever you are doing and you come across wolves in sheep's clothing... They are out there to hurt and devour others... This is what I was thinking about this young lady and others like her that hide behind the Facebook logo...
I would like to end this blog posting by remembering these young kids Jeff Chaya, Blake Bartchak,Lexi Poerner, Kevin Fox and Julia in your prayers... All of these kids as of the time of writing this have died except for Julia... She is in critical condition... The families, friends and their community could use your prayers... This accident happened just hours before their high school graduation was to take place... As a teenager I use to do reckless things and somehow survived... These young people weren't that lucky... My heart goes out to them... Also pray for young ladies like Lisa who are filled with so much hate... They need to know that there are people who care and that God loves them...
God is our refuge and strength and ever present in times of trouble. Psalms 46:1
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