Today was a kinda busy day. I had to do my stuff at church. I usually volunteer there on Thursdays and then after church we had our first meeting of the Community Services Expo. I am the president of the Expo and it is nice to start again. But the break was nice. Even though last year I had many breaks due to being sick so much of the time. I sure am praying that this time will be better.
We are working on getting our date guaranteed and seeing what people want to do. Over all, it was a good meeting for the first one of the year. If anyone that is in the Southern Utah area would like to serve on the board, we are looking for people who has a heart for community and people. The Community Services Expo is about helping raise awareness and funds for local non-profits in this area. This is an all volunteer job, but offers many rewards. You get to work with great people and help make a difference in peoples lives. If you would like more information, please get with me. You don't need experience to make a difference.
I would like to thank our newest board member Jennifer Beasley. Thank you....
You are welcome. I have a few ideas to run by you later. talk to you later.
If you go to our website, I also put you on there, it is on the front page, I have to still change the baord members page though.
Sure, I would be interested in hearing about your ideas
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