Wow, is that a loaded question of what... I was talking to a friend about whether or not it is ok to be angry with God. I don't know the answer to this question actually... I have found that I have gotten really upset with God lately, not sure if anger is an acutallity or not... But I can sure enough wonder why things are happening... Is it because of my own actions, is He trying to teach lessons, am I too stubborn or what? I know I have a way or wanting things my way and I have been known to not want to do things the way others want them done, but MY WAY... I am sure you are getting the idea on this one...
There sure seems to be alot that comes all at one time and I can honestly say that I am NOT very impressed over it all... I do know that God is there and that He loves each of us... Thats the logical side of me... I know this to be true. But there are moments when I wonder what is up with everything. I also understand that we all must have trials and tribulations in our lives... That is a given... But does there need to be so much of them? A dear friend of mine who has been suffering for a long time knows all to well about trials and tribulations. She knows about anger and wondering if God is really there or not...
I guess my brain is in the rambling mode in some way... And that is what my blog is all about... My brain needs to understand the who's and why's of things.
I guess God knows the answers to all of these things and I hope one day He will fill me in on all the questions I have... Or will they really be important at that point. Because by the time I see Him, I will no longer be on this earth, but will be in a much better place. But I also guess that all depends on what one will think is a better place or if they beleive in heaven... If they don't I pity you... So if you are thinking you are not going to a better place... Let me know and I will try to talk to you or point you in the right direction...That would be in the direction of God... So I am going to close now with this thought and let you all wonder what the heck I am really getting at, since I have no idea myself... I think I am ready to take a break from reality..> Anyone want to join me?
First let may say "Thank you Sandie" for causing me to think about this and actually feel compelled to answer: Is it OK to be angry with GOD? As I look though my BIBLE (with my girls laughing in the background - in another room playing) First - I must say that we have all been justified at some point or another to be angry at someone....but GOD hmmmm not so sure?! We have all had something or maybe a lot of "somethings" happen that would cause us to say why me or what did I do to deserve this? Perhaps it's easy to turn to GOD and blame him? BELIEVEEEEE me when I say I have had my share of "yucky" stuff....but I can honestly say that I NEVER turned to GOD in anger. Sure I have questioned the path he has chosen for me but I have never turned in anger....and now I wonder why???? So as I search in my BIBLE, this is what I find - James 1:19-25
reminds me: quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. ( and all that's in between)
Hi Suntop... I often wonder if when I get upset if it is actual anger or dissapointment. If that makes sense... I have quite a few conversations and try to get God to see things my way... But I have a feeling, He is trying to get me to come around to His way of thinking on things. I wonder if that is because we humans want things the way WE want things not the way God wants things... I do like that verse that you posted... I was trying to think of that one earlier, and for the life of me, I came up blank...
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