Thursday, August 5, 2010

Just Thinking!

Today I went to the church to do our bulletins and such and was chatting with Pastor Dean and after I was done... I was thinking about how much of a moody person I have been lately...

Jessica and i were at The Hope Chest and bought a Home Bible Study of John by Beth Moore... Jessica got a workbook and the leaders guide and was thinking and wanting to do it here at the house... But my first thought was, what in the world am I gonna do with that and I actually don't have much of an interest in doing that at this point in my life or at this time... Not sure why that is, but that is what it is... But I was thinking later on about that statement and how that must have sounded... Jessica gave me a funny look and I think Pastor Dean did as well... I'm sure I have been pretty negative lately... I guess it is what it is in reality...

Then I was thinking about Crocodile Dundee... If you know anything about his shows, he does what is called a "Walk About".... Wouldn't it be nice to just decide one day to walk out the door and explore anywhere and come back on your own time... I'm sure at that point there would be an APB out or something on CNN and Nancy Grace would be plastering every ones picture on the news as a missing person... So if I decide to go out and do a walk about or shall I say a "Drive About", lol don't be surprised... It's to hot to really go out and walk to far in the desert, plus there are nasty crawling and slithering creatures out there.

It's a good thing I called this blog Ramblings since I like to change subjects... But as I was also thinking today, I guess things can be worse in sorts... My friend Nancy has been having alot of issues lately and her mom Kathy is in the hospital and going to undergo Heart Bypass surgery on Monday... So keep her in your prayers... Nancy is also very sick and it's just not a good situation... I would also like to thank my friend Laura for letting me vent... I do that quite often I think...

Back on the Beth Moore subject. We will be doing this at some point up here at our house and will post the information at church and in the little store... So if anyone is interested, let me know... I wonder if God has a better purpose or hidden agenda for me getting this program at The Hope Chest... I guess we will see...

Good Night all...

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