Today was somewhat unproductive... Which is nice for a change... Jessica had an interview at a tax place for a receptionist. It may actually be a good thing. That way she can have a life so to speak... Otherwise if she gets the managers job. She will be married to her job and have little time with JJ...
Today we woke up to no power again. This was actually a planned thing. I guess Rocky Mountain Power had to update some of thier equipement. We went into town to eat breakfast since there was no power to cook anything and since Jessica had to go to the interview, we went to the church to do her hair since we couldn't plug in her curling iron or staightner... She said the interview went good and that she will have a second interview on Monday I believe... Atleast this one is in person not over Skype... Can't stand that program. It never fails to bog down my computer.

After we had breakfast we went up to Pioneer Park and took some pictures of JJ, Jessica and my sister Denise... I will post them on here. Eventually I got to come home and I took a much needed nap... So that is it for my day of doing nothing so to speak...

I really liked this picture of Jessica and JJ... We were talking about Jesus here and they were stairing up to heaven. I am going to do a video of JJ doing his prayers at night and talking to Jesus sometime... It's way cute...

This is my sister Denise... She was sitting in the back of the van with JJ as we were waiting for Jessica to get out of her interview... I sure hope she gets it... If you look at the pics you will see how hot the day was... Ugh and double ughhh on that one...

This is also my sister... She was sitting in the rocks at Pioneer Park. I'm not a very good photographer, but it works I guess. I told her she should wear black or something the next time. The pink is really bright against the red rocks of Southern Utah...

My favorite of all the pictures today is this one... Let me know what you think and if you think it is bad, I am giving you permission to lie to me :) A mommas love and hugs can never be wrong...
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