What would constitute a good reason for suicide? I have known people who have done that and they leave their families hurting and wondering why... But it is hard to really know what is going through a persons mind at the time they decide to do something like this... I think there are many warnings signs for others to pay attention to if they actually listen and watch for them... Maybe my friend is telling me that she is thinking about it or just curious... I'm not sure... This is one of those topics that I feel is hard to really understand the whys... I know there are days I would love to just escape and take a road trip and decide when I want to come back... I think that everyone has thoughts of wanting to escape, but suicide is permanent and can really destroy those who love you... I would be interested in what others think on this topic...
In Closing, I think that there is no way to really know if you are going to be forgiven for killing yourself until you get face to face with God... Not sure I would want to take that chance...
Jesus forgives all our sins and gives us eternal life saying that we shall never perish, He does not give temporary eternal(John 10:28) - it wouldn't be eternal then would it.
Salvation is not based on we do. You are not saved by keeping the law of God(Romans 3:24-28).Our salvation is strictly from God (Ephesians 2:8). Since you don't receive salvation by what you did, you are not going to lose your salvation by what you do.
There is only one unforgiveable sin and suicide is not it (Matthew 12:22-32).
Unfortunately if one committs suicide they are unable to repent -- in essence, the sin of murder. Moses and David were able to repent their sins. But what of the person who committs suicide? Jesus bore all our sins, including those who committ suicide. To say that this person is unforgiven would be to undo all that Christ did on the cross. Jesus saves completely or not at all.
Am I saying that committing suicide is ok? No. But I am saying that it is forgivable. We do not have the right to take our own lives, that is God's choice. But if we do, I strongly believe that because Jesus forgave us all our sins on that cross, that one is forgiven if they committ suicide.
Are there reasons when suicide is acceptable? For some there are. Do we have the right to judge someone who has committed suicide? No. That right only belongs to God.
I once heard a sermon for the funeral for a young man who had committed suicide. The minister talked of this young man fighting this great battle but lost. Like a soldier on the battle field, he had fought a good fight but did not win. Not everyone who committs suicide refuses God or turns away from God. Some are begging to be home with God.
I believe it is our job to find a way to forgive that person. To truly put ourselves in their shoes. We may never truly understand their pain, but we can still love and forgive them.
Thats pretty much what I was thinking too... Maybe my friend will read your reply... She might find it helpful... I have known a few people who have lost loved ones to suicide and I think reading your reply would comfort them...
Gives me something to think about. I appreciate your comment Sue, it seems to be right on.
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