Friday, March 11, 2011

Washed Away in Minutes

Last night when watching the news about the earthquakes in Japan, it just makes me wonder what more is to come... When you see the waters raging over the towns and not caring what or who is in the way... We think we have it all figured out and that we have control over what happens in our lives and then something like this happens out of nowhere... There is no amount of preparation that will prepare a person for so much loss and destruction...

What I was thinking at the time when watching this on the news is that they are taping all the cars, homes and such and one reporter is leaving out that in those homes are families with kids, people, animals and whatever else... Every car or house that washed away could have atleast one life or more in them... The human loss just blows my mind and how the reporters are thinking about the property loss... Granted it is important, but gees... Then there is the nuclear issue and the leaking of that... Wow...

Then I think about the end times and how such events like this will be small compared to what is to come... I can honestly say I can't wait for that day to come... I will be more than happy to know that Christ has come back... If it happened right now, that would have been too long of a wait... But then I wonder how many lost people are out there that doesn't understand what is going on and that they need to make a choice now... I have been in a kinda weird place personally, not really with my faith, but with other things... But when something like this happens, I can't help but take notice...

When disasters happen, everyone or atleast those who knows what the Bible says will think this is it... But hasn't these things been happening over and over in the past? I often wonder if the reason we see more happening now is because of the Internet and CNN... These things weren't publicized like they are now... My thoughts and prayers are with all those around the world that are affected by this earthquake and the tsunami that is ongoing...

In closing, my thoughts are kinda negative and positive on this...That all depends on how you look at it and where your faith lays...  It would be nice to just have it all done and over with in one fell swoop, but then sad to see so much loss and pain for what would be for hundreds of thousands of people... I am anxiously awaiting for the Second Coming and I am hoping that all of these things are adding up to that time...

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