Today Craig and my self and some other friends from church went to a memorial service for a homeless man named Brad Eitner ...
When I first met Brad he was someone that sat in the bad pew at church... He had some different ideas on things and was extremely smart... I got to talk to him a bit and even got to know him when he helped us move... He never asked for anything in return... He would always comment when I talked to him about how quiet it was where we lived at and how he loved all the room and the animals... Brad wasn't your typical homeless person... But he was plagued with things in his life that put him in the position he was in... I actually was thinking I should go to the funeral out of respect for him and since he helped us... And not really thinking many would be there to mourn his death... Many times homeless people aren't really seen or heard... It's like they have some horrible disease that makes people want to stay clear of them... Brad was different though... He was very smart and had his own set of problems, I guess we all have those... But from listening to the many people that showed up, he was in no way a typical homeless person...
Friends from when he was younger showed up, his father gave a run down of his life... He had sisters and brothers and many people from all over the world that knew and loved him... Even though he was on his own path and he was no longer a part of their lives, they still loved him and wanted what was best for him...
One of the ladies was talking about how much of a difference Brad made in our community... He helped them raise awareness about the needs of the homeless in our area... Cloth drives and help in getting access to computers and other services was all because of the Soup Kitchen workers wanting to help Brad... It has been a number of months since last seeing Brad around... They are estimating that he died in October of 2010, but they just recently found his body...
RIP Brad...
I didn't know Brad, but I remember him from high school days. I didn't attend Pine View, but our paths crossed somewhere...I am thinking in track and field. He must have been a great guy because my first impression of him, which was 20 plus years ago, still lingers.
Brad was a nice guy that seemed to have touched alot of peoples lives, even if just passing through them... I found out alot about him, the side side of Brad I never knew and was glad I decided to go to his service... His family and friends did an awesome job at showing who the real Brad was...
I knew Brad from his LDS mission. Everyone revered him and looked to him as a example and leader. He was very much a scholar of the BIble. After returning to Utah I spent time in a small business venture with him. He was extremely ambitious and creative. This was a very important chapter for me in my life because it was in that venture that I became acquainted with some of the other people that have helped me build the career I have today as an investor and speaker. Brad Eitner touched my life and I’d like to think I knew him when he was at his best.
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