Many will ask questions, but do they really want to know? I don't think so! Maybe a handful of people may want to really know, otherwise I think people are looking for nice start off conversations... Like at work, you are always greeted with "How are you today?" And if someone went into details, the subject would be changed. I don't think for the most part that people really want the details... So I think it is a good idea to not even mention certain things to others and just go with "Fine", "No", "Nothing", or "OK"... And thats all that needs to be said... Not going to say anymore on this topic since I will insert my foot right into my mouth...
In Conclusion: Forgot I can't end the topic without my conclusion... I personally think it is a big mistake to say too much to too many people... It may not be good for everyone and I know not everyone and most won't agree with me... But think about that person that you see coming and you know it is going to end in a conversation and instead of wanting to talk to them, you decide it is better to go some other direction instead of getting in that conversation... I know I have been guilty of that one myself... When I would see someone coming that I didn't have time to talk to or if they called, I would tell myself that it is going to take forever, so I'm not answering and will call back when I have time... So just maybe not saying anything is the best policy... You don't have to put anyone on the spot...
Sandie, this is your friend Laura. I don't think this is the right thing to be doing. I would prefer an honest answer over a one liner or one word answer. We need to go out to dinner or lunch and discuss this. Let me know if you are open to this. Being honest about your feelings is never the right way to go. Have you talked to your pastor at your church yet? If not, it may help and I would be more than happy to go with you if you like. You have a way of taking things the wrong way or how it wasn't intended, please listen to what I am saying. Call Me!
Hi Laura... I'm fine... Don't worry about it... I'll call you soon...
I get the idea that something is going on!
BTW, this is Sheila
Hi Sheila... Everything is fine... No Worries... Just alot of thinking :) It's been a long time since see ya, hope everything is OK with you...
It's not healthy keeping things to yourself Sandie. If others are reading this, don't do it. I have done that in the past. If I were you and only a little friendly advice. I would talk to someone at your church or a close friend. Everyone needs someone to vent or confide and not worry about being judged.
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