JoAnn and Aldo at Lake Pleasant |
The reason I went to Phoenix was to take my friends there so they could go to a baptism... Chuck and Brenda are the kind of friends that never ask for anything in return... They are always there for ya... They don't have a car and needed a ride... So off to Phoenix we go... I seem to have alot of those kinds of friends... God must have known I would need them :) I did make a new friend there too... I met this lady named Stacy and it was pretty awesome that she is a sister in Christ... There was a whirl wind of things going on over the weekend... Too much to list here...
Then I decided I needed to come home with a little present for myself... I just got rid of this awesome gift and it has decided that it is time to re-gift itself to me... That gift would be the flu or cold... I think I would have like to have left it with someone else more deserving... But not me! I have to bring it home with me and let it enter into my life... I'm all for liking gifts, but this is one I would like to return to its giver... So whoever that giver is, step on up... I would like to present it back to you in the best and truest form...

I love it when God answers right away and I don't have to wait around for an answer... Or when others are praying and He shows up right away... How can you not know God isn't there when He shows up in a place that is almost as hot as Hades... Then there are times I think in the back of my mind that maybe it is all a dream and all in my imagination... Dream or not, I would prefer God to be there over any dark forces... All those in favor, raise your hands... These are the kind of dreams or feelings I can handle all the time :) There is one thing that drives me crazy when people say this... And that is "Everything is According to God's Timing"... I know this is true... But I like it when He answers in my timing... Is that so wrong? Maybe I am testing Him... But is that a bad thing? So! For now I am going to call my special feelings a dream which it probably is... But that is OK... I can handle dreams like that...
I have this way of just going and doing what I want and knowing that God is going to be there... When I think about my favorite verse that I hold onto each day I have no choice... That verse is "God is our refuge and strength and ever present in times of trouble. Psalms 46:1"... How can I not believe that He is going to be there and that everything is going to be OK... And then when you add others to the mix that are praying for you and you meet strangers that share that same faith... I KNOW God has it all covered... I'm really bad about sharing all there is about me, but there is one who knows all and that is God... I'm thankful for those He has put in the right place at the right time... Even when I'm not appreciating it, I know He has a better plan then I do...
Now I'm home, tired and not feeling great at all... I have spent most of the week in bed because of this wonderful little gift that someone decided I needed more than they needed it... Ughhhh... I would say that was a sarcastic remark... I would prefer people to leave this gift to themselves... THANK YOU VERY MUCH... I would also like to say that there is a good reason for moving from Phoenix when we did and that would be that it is way too sticking hot for my own good... It is a preparation for hell... And I would like to stay clear of anyplace that remotely resembles or feels like hell...
proves that you need to regift it to someone you wont see for awhile. STAY AWAY FROMME PLEASE! Love ya. get better soon.
Hmmm... that isn't very nice... I love to share... Love ya too...
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