Saturday, August 6, 2011

Facebook Status's... What Message Are We Sending?

I was reading this guys blog about what God wants him to do? He started talking about Facebook status's and how people see the type of person we are by the status's that we post on our facebook...  Then I wondered what it would be like if God had a Facebook... What would He post on His Facebook page and status...

Someone posted a question about what is the Lord saying to him these days... That can be a hard question to answer on some days if we aren't listening... I know for myself I need to spend more time in His Word and listen to what He is telling me... I am a bit of a control freak and I don't like it when I am told that I should be doing this instead of doing this... God puts the right people in my life I think to keep me grounded and focused, if there is such a thing...

There is one lady I met on Facebook and by reading her status's I can tell that she loves the Lord but is real. She puts herself out there, but always ends up praising God in the end... Then there are others that you can tell they are having a hard time and that prayers are needed and should be offered to them... At this very moment some of the status's that have been posted on my wall are;

Chanda Loves Rachels Coffee 
  • Angie- Its so HOT. I saw squirrels fanning their nuts.....
  • Chanda- For a more personal view on social media marketing and a little more fun than my other page The Social Network Site, Please help me to grow this the link and like it...THANKS!
  • The Bible- Galatians 5:25 God’s Spirit has given us life, and so we should follow the Spirit. (CEV)
  • Sue- Beginning to think I have unrealistic expectations of my coffee today
  • Loren- Vodka and ice will ruin your kidneys. Rum and ice will ruin your liver. Whiskey and ice will ruin your heart. Gin and ice will ruin your brain. Coke and ice will ruin your teeth...... WOW - who knew??!!! Apparently ice is lethal!!! Warn all your friends: Lay off the ice!! It can save a life. :-)
  • Dawn- having lunch and off to the children's museum with Keegan and Alyna!
  • Nathan- Resisting temptation is easier when you think you’ll probably get another chance later on.
  • Rynell- Status?? HMMMMM.........Feeling great, loving life, having way too much fun and looking forward to some great new's that? Love all y'all so much- have a great Saturday!!
  • Kat- i am tried of spending my wakeless hrs in the er was there again till 1am this is getting a little old fast .
  • Lenny- Sad day. Found out that my aunt lost her battle with cancer. Rest in peace, Aunt Ann, you will be missed.
  • Jessica- Today holds blessings and miracles that you don't even know of so grab a hold of today with HOPE and LOVE and EXPECT GREAT things to happen
  • Lynda- Only one more day of vacation, then back to Las Vegas. I really love this traveling thing and seeing people & places I love. but am missing those at home

Lynda and Bob Parker at NASCAR 
OK, now by reading these status's I can tell alot about these people... First there is Angie, she has a wonderful sense of humor and posts funny things that brighten the day of others... She has some of the funniest status's... Then we have Chanda, she is busy working with Social Networks... She is great at marketing and getting the word out... In my opinion she has an eye for getting the Social Networks to work for her and she will post status's about her family and you can tell how much she loves them... Oh... I should add also that she loves Rachael's Coffee...  The Bible is a page I liked and they send verses and inspirational status's that helps remind me of what is important. Now Sue, she has become a great Facebook friend... I have grown to love her for her honesty, humor and how real she is... When it comes to Loren's status posts or whatever, they always make me chuckle too... I never know what to expect out of his status posts... But they are funny... When it comes to Dawn, I know where she stands... She loves God and her family and nothing is more important to her... Nathan puts his thoughts out there and they are real... I like reading his status and always wonder  "what the heck"... Nellie, is always positive on her status's... She isn't a complainer and seems to be a ray of sunshine when there is dark clouds all around... When it comes to Kat, you can tell by her status's that she has struggles and is in need of prayers for healing and that she wears her heart on her sleeve... Then as I come to Lenny, when you read his status's you know he is a truck driver and that his family is dear to him and that he has a sense of humor too... My husband loves to pick on him... I come to Jessica's status... She puts her feelings on her wall and wears her heart on her sleeve too... You can tell how much she loves her little man and that she goes to school... Lastly I come to Lynda, gotta love this woman... Lynda is awesome... I can tell from her status's that she loves God, traveling, NASCAR, family and her friends... She has a wonderful heart and love for people that is genuine...
After reading this guys blog, I am going to work at putting a positive thought about God on my Facebook each day... Who know's what message someone may be needing at that point... There are so many complaining, there needs to be more positive... Even if I am being negative for the day, maybe the positive thought I post will sink in and become real to me... Maybe it is a thought or verse I may need and not know it... Maybe it will offer relief or relieve someone's heart to hear that little status that is posted... 

Lisa Whehcel 
Some of my favorite status's comes from the ladies from Women of Faith... Lisa Whelchel seems to post status that focus on God and family... Today she posted pictures from her trip to Paris and when she comes home from her travels she is so happy to be with her family... Her lastest pictures makes me want to go to Paris :) Then there is Patsy Clairmont... I love love love the status's from her... She puts a smile on my face when I read her posts... She makes you think and then laugh... This was her status the other day that I am going to steal, "Today has seemed like Saturday...oh, wait..nevermind."... When you see her at the WOF, you can't help but laugh to the point of tears... If you have facebook, you should add them... They will brighten your day... Oh... You got to add Shelia Walsh to your facebook too... She is hilarious and you can tell from her status's that she loves her son Christian and how God and her family are first and foremost in her life... Click on the names of those I mentioned to find their facebook page... 

In conclusion I think that we should think about what we are putting out there about ourselves and what message we are sending to others that may not know us personally... Do we want to air our dirty laundry or do we want to show people what is important to us and who we are and who we put our faith in? Status messages shows themselves as a really powerful broadcast tool, use it wisely, so you can get also very fast and good results with it...

 I think if God had His own Facebook page he would be sending us instructions and telling us that He is there with us and to stop worrying over the stupid things and straighten out and fly right... I think God has a presense on Facebook because of each of us that are His children. We see posts that encourage, challenge, make us laugh and cry and at times makes us think ... 

We have no idea who will see it and what effect it will have, but HE does. Each step is ordered by HIM and is for a purpose and it amazes me how he confounds the wise with such simple things. We all get on Facebook and Twitter at different times and we have different sets of friends but through them God can and does post messages for us. Are we looking for them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This makes me think about what I put on my status Sandie. Great post