This is my first example of my lack of patience... It drives me crazy when I call up a company and Direct TV is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to this... You call the 800 number to get assistance and the first thing you hear is asking about your choices of language... First off I am in America, there should be no choice... But I press 1 for English in hopes of getting a real person... Then after that you have to speak into the phone key words or phrases about what your calling about... I tell them what I want and then the recording doesn't hear it right and says "Sorry, that's our fault, let's start over" or something to the effect of that ugh... So after about 5 tries of trying to get them to understand what I am saying, they pass me onto customer service... By now I have been about 15-20 minutes into the I am loosing my patience phase of this conversation... Eventually the person on the other end answers the phone and tells me "Thank You For Your Patience"... This phrase gets me every time... I am NOT patient and I get short with her/him and give them a what for before I say what I am having a problem with... They say thank you and I am sorry you had a problem with the recordings and continue on... At some point they send me over to tech support and then they put me on hold and say "Thank You For Your Patience"... Elevator music is on the phone and is driving me nuts, another 15 minutes or so go by... By now I am ticked and I am far from being patient. I get upset and give them a what for again... Then I am trying to explain to them what is going on and I find out that they are outsources... For those of you who don't know what I mean... They hire people outside of the United States that speak broken English at best and willing to do the work cheap... This is a whole other subject that I will post my thoughts on...I would like to add to this that if someone comes in the room and speaks loud enough for their phone to pick up the persons voice, you might as well start all over again... So go into a dark deep cavern that has cell service where nobody can ruin your call... So this is my Direct TV customer service rant...
Then for my second example of my lack of impatience... I am driving in a 65 mph speed zone... Yes, it says it on the signs! I drive this drive all the time and I have seen the signs... They are not a figment of my imagination... But to get to my point... I am in a no passing zone and in front of me is this guy driving in a Mercedes... I KNOW without a doubt that the newer Mercedes have some pretty impressive power... It isn't like the little 4 bangers like the Pintos that think about going... They may even pass up this Mercedes... But this one did not have the option of going over 40mph... It's like give me a stinken break... It's like move it or get off the road... There are no emergency blinkers or anything that says he is having issues... I think he is there to drive me crazy... So I'm not able to pass and I am looking to see if there are any cops around to see me pass this guy up... I end up not passing, because the way my luck goes, I would get caught and have a ticket... My thoughts are not being very Christian at this point... And I have to play nice for the most part since I have my Christian fish and plates on my car... Can you imagine a mad crazed woman in a Mustang that has plates that say "JESUSIS" and your passed and they yell profanities to you and offering free hand gestures... I guess that wouldn't be a very good example of being Christlike... I can just hear God telling me to be nice and patient... Or He is toying with my mind and seeing if I am going to buckle into the heat of the moment... Satan would do that, God wouldn't... Maybe that is the answer... This Mercedes is a plant from Satan to test my every last nerve... I'm not swearing, but I am sure my thoughts aren't that good... It's like REALLY, 40 mph... My car sticks out like a sore thumb, so they would see a yellow Mustang speeding past a slow poke and in a no passing zone none the less... Eventually I get to a double lane and leave that guy in the dust... And he isn't even a grandpa driving... And as I am passing him he waves to me and smiles like he is doing nothing wrong... That ticks me off even more, ugh... So I continue on my way and I am sure he eventually made it to St. George about 30 minutes or more after I got there at the speed he was going... I say if you have a car like that, kick it into gear or park it and let someone who has the ability to drive it have it...
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Instead of 30 minutes it was 45 Minutes |
My third example of me having no patience is with restaurants... I have embarrassed my daughters, husband and family on this one... When I walk into a restaurantcompt... But that wasn't the point of my conversation... My point is that we were there to have dinner and we expected to be waited on and get our drinks and food in a timely manner... We weren't there to listen to him chatter to his friends... I was ticked... Needless to say I told the manager that I didn't want him waiting on us and that I would contact their higher ups... All the other waiters/waitresses seem to have it together... He did not get a tip for that night and he knew I was beyond ticked... I think everyone in our area knew I was ticked... But yet again, I hear "were sorry this happened, we will fix it and we appreciate your patience..." I should add that I am fanatical about my eggs being cooked all the way and if they look snotty or runny, I am not impressed... I know it isn't the waitress/waiters fault, it's the cook... I have no problem telling them about it... It's like GET IT RIGHT and READ! Yuckkkkkkkk can't stand slimy eggs... My family isn't too happy if my eggs come out that way because I usually tell them that I will not eat eggs that look like snot and everyone I am sure hears my colorful rendition of the snotty eggs.
What got me going on this topic is that my internet went out yesterday and I called them and they have outages because of their fiber optics in our area and in most of Southern Utah up to Ceder City... So I am NOT able to check my email or post this blog until it gets back on... But as I am listening to their answering service they are saying that it was going to be out from the point I called till Saturday around noon and thanked me for my patience... Hmmm, I really hate that saying when if they knew me, they would know I am NOT patience... I am the opposite of patience... They have till noon to get my internet on or I may have to call them back and find out what the deal is... Forget waiting till noon, I called early and the recording is saying they are still currently working on the situation... They didn't change the recording from yesterday... So they best be saying it is between now (yesterdays now) and noon tomorrow (today's noon)... It is almost 3pm and it is still not on... Not too impressed right now! I called Infowest again... And it is 11pm and guess what! Still no internet and tech support has no clue how long this is going to take... Hmmmm... Not finding this funny and my editor of my blogs is going to have a field day correcting my errors... LOL! It is now Sunday morning and this has been going on since Friday afternoon... Infowest is now officially on my black list... I will not be a happy camper if my internet is not ON by the time I get home from church... Now I am on Monday morning and got on the phone with Infowest and they said there was an error... Well, DUH! I told them I wasn't happy and as the old saying goes "If Momma Ain't Happy, Nobody's Happy"...
In Closing I would like to say this... I HAVE NO PATIENCE... I don't expect to have any... I never pray for patience since God takes me literal and I get sick of those stupid answering services that think they want to force patience on me... It is NOT going to happen... I have accepted this as a point of weakness in my life and I am OK with that and if other's aren't than let me give them the number of Direct TV or some other random company and let's see how patient they will be... Or I can give you the route where that slow poke Mercedes drives...
Oh I can be so so mean right now and say something. In fact i think i will say it just to make you glare at me. "We are sorry for the wait. thank you for your patiences.' Sorry I had to say it. i know the feeling and i have done my fair share of complaining in places. in fact my sister in law does it just as good as you do.
oh honey, I so agree. Wait until your driving a truck and come up on someone doing 40 in a 75mph zone. They are lucky to still be alive and not squashed like a bug. (hahahah). Those are some of my pet peeves to. I hate talking to the people from India, I can never understand what they are saying and when you ask for some one who speaks better english they get all testy and hang up on you. So I call back and say if I don't get some satisfaction on my problem then I will just change services. That usually does the trick. Be blessed my dear.
Yeah... Chuck is a truck driver and that drives him crazy when you have4 a up to 80,000 pound truck and people go so slow and you are in a restricted lane or you get cut off... When I would go with him, it drove me nuts and made me nervous... Yeah, the outsourcing is nuts... With all the people that need jobs here in our country, I would think there would be plenty of people that can speak English...
lol Jen... good thing I love ya... I see nothing wrong with complaining if we are right... and I think I am right all the time, lol
And they say patience is supposed to be a virtue? How many times I have told myself to be patient.
And you know what? I even used to pray for patience, bad idea. Not only did get told to keep trying, I do believe God laughed at me.....
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