Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sick People Killing Others...

I was thinking I wasn't thinking about anything... But then I got to talking to my daughter Jessica on Facebook...

But then we got talking about how sick some people are out there... There was this guy in Phoenix that decided he wanted to murder his girlfriend/wife today... He handcuffed her, duck taped her mouth and then set her on fire... All of this presumably because she was going to go on maternity leave... She was about to have her baby in three weeks... Her boyfriend said that she was lazy or something to that effect... Such a idiot... I'm not a swearing person, but I would call him some names that I don't want to put out there... Read between my lines... 

Then you have the guy in Colorado who thought he was the Joker from Batman... These people only wanted to go see a movie and minutes after they get there, 12 are dead and 60 or 70 are hurt... Evil is running rampant... It doesn't matter how good a person is, something can happen at any moment... You may think you know someone, but do you really... This guy who shot these people has a family and friends that thought they knew him... Little did they know he was a ticking time bomb... Some people say he is mentally ill and I'm sure they will try to get him off with that defense... But all I know is that he is nuts and that there are innocent people that are dead... It's very sad...

Now, there is another then... Then there is my friends daughter who got killed in California... She wasn't doing anything wrong... But because someone else made a bad choice, she is being buried this Thursday... I feel for her parents...

Maybe I'm being a bit paranoid but I think there are alot of evil people who don't care what they do to others because they only care about themselves... I may be posting this in a negative way... But I think that all those people who want to do harm like this to others needs to go onto their own island and have at it with each other... I know it isn't Christian like, but my goodness... And when someone says that something good will come out of it, I don't know if I'm buying that either...

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