Friday, May 6, 2011

Trust or Not Trust Dream

There are some dreams I think I can live without... My dream last night I think was more about health problems, stubbornness and trust... I know that may come as a complete surprise to some that I am stubborn... But I have my moments and I think alot more of them lately...

But last nights dream was about how I decided I was going to go on a walk about and just go wherever my feet took me... With the way my muscles are, that wouldn't be very far... It wasn't that way in my dream at the beginning... But as the dream continued it seemed more like a spiritual battle and the health took the back seat kinda...

As I was walking along, I got a ride from someone I thought I knew, but there was something dark about this person... As time continued on, I became more distant in understanding things and knowing what things were and who people were... It was almost like this person or thing convinced me that those that I should be around were those I should distance myself from... I know it's weird, but it is what it is... Then this weird thing happened and not sure who the person or whatever it was told me and somehow got me to where my church is at... For some strange reason I was fighting the whole idea of going into the church and was wanting to get out of there as fast as possible... But it was like I was trapped and there was no way out... Like I said before, kinda weird I know... Then this higher up voice and image or something appeared and told me this is where I need to be and to trust... Hmmmm... At that point this other negative person or image was telling me I was being deceived... By now I am totally confused by what he said... Not sure what that was, but it caught my attention... I don't remember what he/it said... I do know that he/it said "Don't Trust Them"... I say it because I didn't see anything, just heard... I got the idea that that voice did not have my best interest in mind... I could tell that by the tone of the voice... Something wasn't right with it... Just as I was waking a  few people from my church was at the church where I couldn't leave and then the alarm goes off and the only voice that was left in my head at that time was "Trust".... My thought is "Trust Who?" 

The reason why I say the word trust is hard is because there are alot of people you think you can trust and then it bites ya in the hinney... This person in my dream that I thought I could trust I have known her since I got really sick and has been very helpful... But it seems like there has been alot of chaos going on and too much being said, when little should have been said... I know we all make mistakes, and I have more than my share of those mistakes... Not sure why this person would be the person for me to be careful of... I am thinking maybe that is not actual... She has a good heart and has been there... Not sure what to think on that part of the dream... Don't take it personal (L), I am sure it is nothing...

Lately there has been alot of things happening and maybe those things are playing out in my dreams... Not sure I like dreams like this one, they make me over think even more than usual... And then the word "trust" is a hard word or thing to do... My thought is that is the message of my dream to trust, run, be careful or is it just another dream... I have been having alot of thoughts lately on how Satan is all around and has a way of destroying... Maybe that's why I had this dream or like I said, it was just another dream...

I think alot of what bothered me about this dream is that I don't appreciate not knowing what is going on... But worse, I don't like things were evil shows up in my dreams... But then maybe God was telling me to be careful... I have been having issues with praying lately and last night I just asked God for a sign to show me what is real and not real... Maybe this was his answer and who to trust, or like I said ,it was just a dream...

So, is it just a dream or ??? Maybe it was a nightmare... Not sure


Anonymous said...

Hi Sandie, if I were you and knowing some of the things that are going on in your life I would listen or find out what God is trying to tell you. You need to trust others that God sends into your life. God speaks to people through dreams and He may be trying to reach you in this manner. I would say to trust God in all things. If you got the idea that there is a battle of sorts going on, I would pay close attention to this and seek counsel from those who have a personal relationship with Christ. Your church is a good place to do that at. Here are some Bible verses for you.

1 John 4:1
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Joel 2:28
“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.

God gives us dreams to help us solve our problems, to tell us things we didn’t know, to show His love and tender care to us, to help us along our way and to entertain or show His love to us! And, best of all, this is available to all of us!

Anonymous said...

Put on your spiritual armour; you are in a battle.
Colossians 2:3 In Jesus lies hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.v6-8 Just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your life be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Don't let anyone(anything?) capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. Love you.

Sandie said...

Yeah... I am thinking that there is alot of spiritual warfare going on... If it something you can see, it is easier... Although this may seem kinda off the wall... But its like you can tell there is a bad energy or something around, but at the same time you know that there is a barrier or protection between you and that bad evil thing... I just have a really hard time fighting all the bad stuff when there is so much of it and I feel like crude and already have enough on my plate... Thanks for the Bible Verses also and for the comments... I need to do something, just not sure what that is if that makes sense... I am glad that I know the things I do... Not impressed right now and its hard to figure out what is out to get you or who is gonna save ya when there is so much decieption... I know it sounds crazy... But it is what it is...

Man said...

Trust and where do you stand in trusting others. I had dream last night about a great friend I seek to become intimate with. I love this girl and she professed her love to me. We had given each other time to sew our oates. Now the universe brings us together. Long story short in this dream every chance I got to get near her,she had to leave with friends or coworkers..dream was in a warehouse. I felt grand feeling of jealousy..I wish it was jealousy, it was lack of trust. She is an angel and great woman, why did I no trust her. I took from this dream that before I make this move to get into relationship I must learn to trust. Ifeel like garbage for not being able to trust her in my dreams. But at least I know where to start. Sorry for posting with no sense of grammar, but you get the idea