Sunday, August 7, 2011

I was just going to post the blog that is the song, but I felt I needed to add this since I am getting a bit if not more than a bit ticked... Be sure to read the post below this one since it was what was intended to be posted for today... It's more positive... Sorry all, I tried to be positive...

I would love to know when I got so many parents that think they know what is best for me? I am an adult and there are some things I would like to have a say so in... It isn't like there are many things that I can have control over... So I can say that I am a bit ticked and not impressed over having so many people who think they are my parents... Ughh... I have two parents that I was born too and they are still alive... My in laws who are my parents too have passed away... So those who think they are my parents need to just drop it... Because I am getting a bit ticked and I know it doesn't matter to most... Going to leave this at that... I didn't want to vent or rant today... But my goodness, just shoot me for crying out loud...

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