Sunday, September 18, 2011

How Are You Today? Loaded Question

First off, I have to say that there are many I care about in my life and I am sure they care about me... What got me thinking about this is a lady in line at a grocery store and the clerk asks everyone, "How Are  You Today?" My mind begins to wonder if he/she really cares. Or is she just making small talk?

When I worked at a local grocery store, I could say that if I asked that question than I would want the truth. But then at times those answers would get long and others would say I was talking too much... But, you don't want to just stand in front of the customer looking stupid and not acknowledged them... It was nothing to come home with prayer requests everyday from customers who knew that I believe in prayer and that I genuinely cared about them... I would ask them when they came back to the store how things were going with whoever or whatever... Then on the flip side, you have clerks that ask about how a person is and the customer will say... After they leave, the clerk will say something to the effect of  "Did I ask for their life story?" I think those clerks should be working in stocking or the store rooms... Maybe they should be working in the cooler and chill out a bit...

Then I was thinking about this in my own life... When someone asks me how I am doing, for the most part I will say I am fine and leave it at that or that I am OK... That's when you start talking about the weather... The reason why is because I don't want to go into this long story and complicated one at that and bore them... It isn't like they would understand what I am talking about anyway and they have their own set of problems... So why worry those poor cashiers with mine, right? Plus, they are there to do their job, not be a on the spot counselor and mender of all troubles... Sometimes I think I say too much anyhow and then it complicates things and I don't like to take advantage of others... So I leave things at, I'm OK... It's easier and safer to do that... Might be a good reply for most when asked when you are at the grocery store and in life...

Marjorie Divan and JJ 
My mother in law, bless her heart was good at this... Mom would get into line at the store and they would ask how she was... She would go into anything and everything there was... I'm sure the poor lady regretted asking how she was when she was told about all her ills and woes... I think some things are better left alone and not be be shared with just anyone and everyone... What should have taken about 10 minutes to get out of line and get the groceries in the car turned into a 30 minute conversation at the register... I would try to get her going, but that wasn't in the cards... Not only did she have these conversations in the store, it took us over an hour at appointments that should have been 15 minutes long... She said she never said much, but I know she was good at talking... Gotta love mom though... She was a sweet little lady...

Can you imagine standing in a line of waiting customers and the clerk asks you how you are and you tell them everything... I would run for the doors at that point... Not everyone needs to know what is going on... I think there are many times it is OK to say OK... These people don't really want to know, they are trained to talk small talk lingo and most are being watched by supervisors or being timed to see how fast they can get you out of the store... There are many things I don't think we should be sharing with a grocery store clerk or even those in our own lives... So resist, because next time they may pawn you off on some other poor unsuspecting cashier...

In Closing: Maybe small talk is better talk... It won't come back and bite you in the hinney... And it won't bore people or put them on the spot... Sometimes the less said the better... At least that is my thought today...  Going into personal problems may not be a good thing when you know what you are saying isn't safe with that person... And I guarantee you that someone you don't know or waits on you doesn't want to hear your life story... Be careful what you say and who you say it too...

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