Saturday, October 1, 2011

Can't Wrap My Brain Around This Image

If you are on Facebook, I am sure you have seen this image that I posted on here... I can't even wrap my brain around what this woman was thinking when she came to work dressed in nude pants... A couple things did come to mind though... First, what in the heck did her boss say? Second, why did they allow her to stay at work? And third, what kind of medications is she on? What I find funny is that this is a black women and she is wearing nude colored strechie pants... My husband pointed that out to me...

This dog is wondering what is wrong with her too... 
At first I was thinking that this image had to have been photo-shopped or something... You can tell she has pants on if you can call them that because look at her feet. But who in their right mind would wear something like that...

I would think that Lowes has a dress policy in place to prevent people from coming to work dressed like this... OMG is about all I can say on this... Normally I wouldn't post a picture like this... But my goodness, what will people think of next... Never mind... I am afraid to know that answer... I would be interested to hear what her bosses said to her if anything and what Lowes has to say on this... Of course there is no followup to this... But egads... What the heck is wrong with people... But I had to find out for myself what the Lowes dress policy is... This is from thier website and I think this lady wasn't even close to the policy, lol...

Dress Code: Presentation is Everything

Employees such as building managers, maintenance staff and security personnel all should convey a sense of professionalism through their attitudes and appearance.
Uniforms must be professional and represent the profession of the employee. "Following standards such as visible name tags and a theme, such as a color, unifies all the uniforms and allows visitors to identify the employees," Bettano says. "This helps them know who they are talking to and their role in the organizational structure."

Here is a link to their page that goes more into detail... Lowes Dress Code

The only dress code they have basically is that they have to wear appropriate clothing and their shirts have to be either long sleeve or t-shirt that when wearing the Lowe's vest, there are no logos showing..

Closing Thought: There are some crazy people out there who want or think they need to push the envelope and I hope they sent this woman home... I'm not sure how she got that this was professional attire... I'm pretty sure she doesn't represent the true dress code of Lowes...  I know I do some pretty stupid and crazy stuff... Then I wonder if this lady realized that someone took her picture and plastered it all over the internet like I just did... Should I have posted on this? Probably not... But I did anyhow...

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