Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wasting Money...

Today has been one of those days when everything is bothering me... Even if it isn't a big deal... Then to top it off and I'm beyond ticked over this... I sent a friend to get some flats of strawberries... My daughter Jessica is doing up her flat and out of all the strawberries, only 1/10 is good... The rest already spoiled... So I sent my friend to pick these up while I was in the hospital on Tuesday and out of the  $32.00 worth of strawberries, I may end up with a couple good packages... Ughhh... Nothing like wasting money and throwing it literally down the drain... My plan was to make freezer jam, and store frozen strawberries for smoothies... So much for that now...

I sure hope tomorrow is better... Even though tomorrow they have to put a piccline in and I have other things to do... But I'm not impressed right now and gonna leave this vent right here and not say much else or I'm going to say something I will regret...


Anonymous said...

Oh My,

Don't you fret or worry as it is written be content where you are!
So the strawberrys weren't what you expected.

What did your Father tell you He is always there for you since the beginning of time! Folks here you can't count on but you can count on Him!

Even me Pappy you can't always count on me except for one thing. And that is to know right or wrong I am here to try to do my best to make you smile!

So don't worry about tomorrow it isn't here yet. Yesterday isn't comming back and todays already enough pain to keep us all busy and that's a truth you can count on!

Oh one other even though the strawberrys cost too much and money got wasted along with the strawberries. Just know your not a waste in the eyes of a lot of people and expecally not with our Hevenly Father! What were you told about those flowers in the valley? They don't twist or turn so why do you? Now don't let things bother you so much! Or do you want me to come up there and turn you over my knee? LOL

God Loves you
and so do we!

As Always
Your old adopted Pappy

Sandie said...

you're so logical dear pappy... :) I'm one of those kind of people that gets upset, vents and then eventually I get over it... For the most part that is...