Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dreams, Visions or Nightmares

I think lately I could be OK without having dreams... I'm not talking about the kind of dreams people have for their future... I am talking about the kind of dreams you have at night... I seem to be having a pattern to my dreams and usually when I have dreams, they are telling me something or warning me about something... 

Last nights dream was kinda like I had a few years ago... I was having a really hard time, it was a good thing I listened, even though it was late in the game... Back to last nights dream.... I was dreaming that I was here at the house and everyone was gone but my dog Jasper... I ended up getting sick for some reason and needed to find a way into town... Then I noticed as I was calling that there was no signal on my phone... So I would guess that would mean that I didn't call for help... That is just my guess... After that, I decided that I might as well drive the 25 miles into town and go to the hospital... Just as I make my way to the car, I see there is no gas in the car... I am guessing also that I wasn't able to drive into town... Then I guess I passed out and ended up in the hospital... I am gathering I was there for sometime since everyone said I was finally awake... But my thinking is that things were taking a turn to the worse because of how everyone was acting... I do remember the people who was in the room and they were trying to seem normal, which threw me off since most of them except a couple ladies and the pastor are far from normal, lol...My daughters, Chuck and Craig would probably get upset over me calling them abnormal... I also got the idea that I was the only one not stressing over this whole issue... 

Now my question right after I woke up was is this a dream, vision or nightmare? Personally I don't see it as a nightmare from my perspective... 

The last time like I said when I had this kind of a dream was when I ended up in ICU with a Myasthenic Exacerbation and Metabolic Acidosis (? Spelling).... And in that dream what stood out to me the most was that I needed to get to the hospital and call for a ride to get help or it would be too late... So, I guess we will see if I have this one again or if it was nothing... But thought I would write my dream down here in case I have it again and then I can compare notes... 

Other than that... My day was busy and now I am tired and going to go to bed... Life is what it is... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandie, I think you should listen to your dreams. I love your blog and have found comfort in knowing that others have the same questions I do. God talks to us through our dreams when He can't get our attention in other ways.