Tuesday, June 7, 2011

HELLO- IS AnYone OuT tHere?

I often wonder if I have lost connection with either God or those around me... I wonder if God is listening or maybe it is me not listen... More than likely it is me not listening and God is giving me room to make my own mistakes... I hope he steps in before I make too many and do the things that are on my mind... But then just maybe he is giving me room to hang myself... Right now, I'm not sure on that answer or the right question... But welcome to my Senseless Ramblings of the Mindless... There is alot of that going on around here lately...

Not sure what today is going to hold... But I am hoping for a day where I can just get some time to do what I need to do, even if it isn't anything at all... There has been alot on my mind lately and been thinking on some things... I am sure not everyone will understand what my thoughts are, but it is what it is... I do think sometimes we have to take things into our own hands when it becomes obvious that there is no escape from whatever reality things may be... I know it sounds weird, but it's just a me thing...

I know that I should trust that all things happen for a good reason and that God would never give us more than we can handle... Wonder why that saying gets my goose... I think I have gotten to where I am a bit evasive about what I am thinking because there isn't many that would understand or it would be way over their head... They would be scratching their head and wonder "what the heck is that all about?"  Then there are times that it would be great to just say what is on my mind, but then when you do it has a way of backfiring... I was telling a friend last week I think it was about what was on my mind and how I had my own agenda and plans... She wasn't too impressed I guess, but that is always a "whatever" moment... Maybe my life is on a detour or on a collision course... Who Knows? OK! God knows, but He isn't telling me right now...

Then I was thinking about how much it ticks me off when I keep waiting for an answer from an emails, private messages or even a message from God, and it never comes... It's like "HELLO"... But then I wonder if they actually got the message or if they are unsure of what to say...I know there are times I don't get messages or emails I miss or accidentally delete, so this shouldn't bother me...  But then God should always know what to say and answer the messages I am sending... He has been great at telling me NO lately... That is unless there is another message or answer and I'm just not getting it...

I do think that I over think things out and I have a way of making things more difficult than they should be... I also think that on my good days or moments I need to get back to reading, studying and taking in what God wants me to do... I do think I should look at the things that are going good... I am very blessed for the people that God has put in my life... I am thankful for my family, at-least most of them :) ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel like this too Sandie. I keep waiting for an answer to my prayers or an answer from someone and they aren't answering fast enough or giving me the right answer. Then I think that is when we have to be open for the answers we are receiving. If you are like me, you want an honest answer even if that answer isn't the one we are seeking or expecting. Many times there is no answer and people don't know what to say. They are there for me when I need them. I have found that by knowing they are there for me are better than any words can offer.