Saturday, July 9, 2011

Danger Will Robinson... Obsessions

I touched on this a bit yesterday... I can be a bit obsessive over certain things...I tell myself that I am not going to do a certain thing, but I do anyhow... I was reading about it last night by accident and came upon a couple areas where I can say that I am obsessive... Not really Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, just when it comes to a couple things... Or atleast a couple things that I am willing to share, lol ...

When I think of Obsessions, I think of the show Lost in Space... I think there should be warning alarms and robots that go around and say Danger Sandie Divan, Danger... How nice that would be when you are about to do something stupid a robot would be there to warn us? I guess that only happens in space or someone elses space...

My Two Areas of Obsession that I need a Robot For...

  • The first area is I have a one track mind when it comes to accomplishing what it is that I want to accomplish... Something in my brain just says to do it and my focus is on that on a pretty regular basis... 
  • The second area when I was looking up the description is they say that people who are obsessive are stubborn... OK... I can't even lie about this one... Everyone who knows me knows this is the truth about me... 

For instance I like to go on drive abouts when I am having a bad day or need to think... I know there are certain places I should not go and I know with having Myasthenia Gravis and CIPD that I need to stay closer to home and out of the heat or I will have problems with my muscles and all kinds of things... But do I listen to what I know? Nope, not at all... My rational thinking goes out the window when my emotions take over... I like to crank up my radio and just leave... I would love to do a Thelma and Louis minus robbing banks and people... 

What I find though lately when I go on my drive abouts is that I get overheated and over tired and I can't think... Or I let too much time go by and then I find I need to rest... But then I figure I can just pull off the road... But then I go on my walk abouts, lol... Which gets me into even more trouble because then I forget my water and get too far away from my car with no phone signal... But what can ya do... And yet, I go and do it anyhow... Mostly when I am overtired and not having my brain in check... 

I feel bad for those who are on my most recent call list... Because out in Snow Canyon my cell phone does random calls and usually they are the ones on my most recent list... I think that people know if they get a call and I'm not there then my phone is being stupid... But then I think about what if I was out there somewhere and lost and couldn't figure out something, or I fall off a cliff and my phone is all I have... Would they think it was just a goofy thing my phone did or would they answer... I'm not sure how that would play out... Can you imagine, you are just out there talking to God and you stand up, loose your balance and fall into an unknown cavern... But then again, its a pretty place to crash and burn I guess, lol...  And all I have is my little phone that is stupid... Hmmm... That could be a bad outcome... But then I guess that all depends on who's perspective you are coming from... 

But it is like I have this obsessive itch that just takes over and until I do something about it, I cannot rest... I know it is something that I need to resist but I give in and scratch that itch anyhow... Even though we know these thoughts would harm us, we will do it to re-leave it... 

Things People Get Obsessed About: Just a few... I am sure there is tons more and in alot of self help books out there... If you are truly OCD I would think some help is out there somewhere... 

  1. Cleaning
  2. Cloths
  3. Weight
  4. Suicide
  5. Order of things
  6. Hand-washing
  7. Hoarding
  8. Famous People (i.e.) Michael Jackson, Casey Anthony
  9. Facebook and Social Networks
  10. Papers  
  11. Money
  12. Religion
  13. Education
  14. Friends
  15. Being Late ( I am guilty of this one, It bugs me when people are late) 

1 comment:

RevSue said...

Well I must be obsessive too. When I start something I don't want to stop until I'm finished. When I have a goal in mind, I must do everything I can to accomplish it.

Yes, on occasion I obsess over facebook. Bad idea. Good thing to just walk away sometimes.

I obsess over cooking a meal when I have company coming. It's always imperative that everything turn out just right.

When I write, I obsess over every word. Does that one sound right, is there a better choice, does that sound or mean like I intended it to? And spelling drives me nuts. I'm a good speller the majority of the time, but sometimes I come across that one word that no matter how I try to write it, it just never seems correct. Do I bother to get up and try a dictionary when spell check doesn't recognize the word. Sometimes. Other times I just get frustrated.

On occassion I obsess over how I look. Is my hair just right, is this the right dress, is this shirt ok or should I wear another one, too much make up or not enough? This whole vanity thing can drive you crazy!

As for you irrational drives and walks, am I gonna have to come there just to make sure you take your damn phone and bottle of water with you????? There are many of us for whom care deeply for you, so please, for our sake and sanity, at least take these 2 things with you. Otherwise we'll be obsessing over whether you did and if we can find you if you didn't.

Now if I could just get obsessed with housework and organization I'd have it made! :)