Friday, January 6, 2012

Shoot or Be Killed

The other day there was this story about this 18 yr old girl that lives in Oklahoma that was faced with what she was going to have to do if the guys on the other side of her door got into her home... Her husband just died from cancer and she has a three month old boy at home with her... I thought it was funny how she called 911 to ask if she could shoot them if they broke in... The dispatcher told her to do what had to be done to protect her and her son... They broke the door down and she shot and killed one of they guys... She isn't going to be charged, but this made me think about what I would do...

I'm not a person who has guns in my house for many reasons... But then I wonder if that isn't such a bad idea... With all the people out there running around that try to take advantage of others, kill, steal or rape others... It may not be a bad idea under certain circumstances... I don't know how many times we hear about someones homes being broken into and those that are in the home are killed, children and all and what for? Sometimes it's for drugs, revenge, rape, stupidity or they are bored...

I wonder if I was faced with a sick person and was thinking right if I would be able to shoot him... I would think so if it was him or me and I knew what his intentions were... There are are a couple people atleast that I could see would be of no use to anyone anywhere... But then again, if I wasn't thinking right I guess I could plead temporary insanity like many criminals and get off anyhow... I've thought about that with some of the people I have known or those who I want nothing to do with and they refuse to get the message... If it came down to me or them, what would I do... I can say there are some people I would NOT miss... But if they threatened to kill or do something else, would I be able to defend myself if need be???  Seriously, if it came down to it I would hope so, but wouldn't want to... That would be a hard choice to take another life... Then I would hope that I wouldn't have to live with the guilt of taking another life since murder is a sin and can get you in a lot of deep trouble... That is unless you are Casey Anthony... But that is another story...

Then my mind got to wondering about spouses... How many times in the news do we hear about how one spouse will shoot the other and try to hide it... Right now there is the Drew Peterson thing coming to mind... If his wives knew they were going to end up dead by someone who said they loved them, do you think they would have killed their husbands in self defense... It seems like daily we hear about someone killing someone that they say they loved... OK! Now, I'm getting off topic...

On the flip side knowing how I get and not thinking I would do something stupid to myself... There have been times where innocent people have been killed and guns not put away safe... I have seen it where family members will go after other family members... But when is a good time to say it may be time to get something to protect yourself when there isn't anyone else there... This young lady did what she had to do and thankfully she isn't being charged...

I do think if someone has a gun they need to be responsible and learn how to use it... Make sure it is locked away where others wouldn't get hurt... All I can imagine is one of my grandsons or daughters getting accidentally shot because they thought it was a toy... I never let my kids have guns for many reasons... But I think this woman got it right... And I like what she said, "It's not an easy decision to make, but it was either going to be him or my son. And it wasn't going to be my son."

What would you do if you were faced with an intruder?

Oklahoma Mother Shoots Intruder Video


Karen said...

This is what I would do. If someone came into my home and they were intending on doing bodily harm to myself, family and most of all my kids, they would be shot on the spot and ask questions later. I can't say I would kill them. But I would render them helpless. Nobody has a right to do harm to others or enter a home uninvited and wanting to harm. Good to hear this girl used her senses and she protected her child.

RevSue said...

I would definitely defend myself. This situation was definitely not going to have a good outcome. I applaud this woman for having the guts to protect herself and her child.