Friday, September 30, 2011

Rhema Marvanne- WOW

Oh my goodness... I just got watching this video of this 8 yr old girl that just blows you out of the water... Her name is Rhema Marvanne and she has a voice of an angel... I think I am going to have to add her music to my favorites list...

This video shows a collection of her different songs... The pictures in this video are touching...

Rhema's Story

Rhema lost her mom because of cervical cancer in 2007. I put the video on about her story and what she has gone through in her little life... What a blessing this little girl is to so many and to her mom...

Rhema Marvannes Website:
Rhema Marvannes Facebook

I would never expected a voice like hers to come out of a little 8 yr old girl... And to think that all her songs are to glorify God... I love the next video that I put on here... It says what I think as a Christian...

I thank God

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Should Christians Try to Convert Non-Christians?

First off, I don't like the word convert... I think the word invitation or Walk With Me is a better way to help people understand who the Real Jesus is... When it comes to being a Christian, I know that I want everyone to understand what Christ means to me... Living a primarily LDS(Mormon) area, the word convert comes up alot... 

Meaning of Convert : To persuade or induce to adopt a particular religion, faith, or belief: convert pagans to Christianity; was converted to pacifism by the war.

Jesus calls people to "Follow Me." He calls people to "Walk with Me." You and I are followers; we are disciples of Jesus Christ. To the first disciples, He said, "Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men." Part of fishing for people is to invite them to fish for more people; all disciples are to fish; all disciples are to encourage others to walk with them.

How many of us try to tell a non-Christian how they need to "Stop doing this..." and "Stop doing that..." and "Clean up this area of your life..." and "Clean up that area of your life..." Why do they feel the need to try to force non-Christians to act like Christians before they are one? This can be and has been a major turn off to them.

This is something I have had to really work on... Without going into names, I know this person who knows there is a God, but doesn't believe in heaven and hell or much of what the Bible says... It's a great story and that is about it...  My thoughts are that even Satan believes there is a God and that Jesus lived and died... But many times Jesus isn't real to people... There isn't a true relationship... Jesus is a name, He existed, He was a great teacher and He died... What is hard is when the person who thinks this way is someone you care about and love... What I find sad too is that when you know there is a heaven and a hell and those you know don't believe in Heaven... They will have to find out the hard way and that's pretty sad... 

Then I have to ask myself why am I trying to convert my non-Christian friend or family member... Is it because what they believe makes me uncomfortable or angry? For me my faith is the most important thing about who I am... But is my faith the most important thing to others? If my only interest is to convert them to my way of thinking, more than likely I will not get a warm welcome from my friends or family... There are times I would love to take a hammer and knock sense into people and wake them up to the truth... But then what they believe is truth to them just as much as what I know is truth to me...  That's where respect comes in for those around us... I have a hard time with this one though, but I am working on it... Well, most days I work on it!

When I think of the area I live in, I can't help but think about what the Mormons are doing right... They are getting to know the people in the community and taking a genuine interest in the person and doing what I call friending... I think that is a lost art... Many times Christians or people of other faiths are more about pushing their views on others instead of patiently talking and getting to know the person... I don't see many Christian churches that are willing to go out into the neighborhoods and see what the needs are... This is a big pet peeve of mine... 

Christians believe that it is up to God, ultimately, to convince people to follow him (John 6:44, 16:13). If we are going to share with our friends or family, I think we need to understand what it is that they believe... Many of those that are non-Christians have been confronted about thier beliefs or lack of beliefs to the point of being turned off by religion...

There are many versions of Jesus in the world... Just like there are many types of people in the world... What I believe is that there is only one- and He is the only true way (John 14:6), and He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8)... This is why we all must have our own personal relationship with Jesus... We must have our personal walk with the real Jesus, our Jesus... For me I rely on Jesus for everything... There is no way I could rely on anything or anyone in the world like I can rely on Jesus... 

In Closing: Our friends, church, pastor or others can encourage us on our walk with Christ... But I know in my heart that unless I have a personal relationship and friendship with Christ it is all meaningless. We can learn from others, but they can't live our life for us... Just like we can live others life for them... They have to decide when it is time to have that special relationship with Christ... We can't do it for them, no matter how much we would like to see our loved ones spend eternity with us and with Christ... Each person has to pursue Christ for themselves... It isn't our job to convert them... It's our job to show them who Christ is and the rest is up to them... All of us must make that choice for Christ... 

As people start to notice how we live as a Christians, they will wonder, "What's so different about them?" Eventually, what's going to happen is that they will respond to the witness of our lives one of two ways... 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Perspective on the Flu Shot!

With flu season coming soon... You will start seeing signs in front of drug stores and everyone telling you that you need to get the flu shot... I listened to that one time too many and what I got at the same time as the flu shot was Guillian Barre Syndrome... I have the CIPD variant of it... I dread this time of year... Not because of the flu shot but because of those who have the flu and forget that there are things they can do to not spread the flu... There are many like me that can't take the flu shot because of an antibody that reacts with the live virus that is injected into us unsuspecting humans... But it is there waiting to raise it's ugly little head... So if you have the cold or flu... I would prefer to you to keep it to yourself... I'm not telling you to not get the flu shot... Everyone can decide for themselves... For me, there is no way... I ended up with GBS because of the flu shot...

One year I was a guest speaker at my daughters class at Dixie and she wanted to discuss how I got GBS and I picked one unsuspecting person out of the class room and introduced myself. He put his hand out to shake mine and I let him know that it was just that easy... There are simple things people can do to help not spread the flu or cold... And they don't... This is information that I got off of the CDC website...

Here is a brief description of Guillian Barre Syndrome...

Guillain-Barre (ghee-YA-buh-RAY) syndrome is a disorder in which your body's immune system attacks your nerves. Weakness and tingling in your extremities are usually the first symptoms. These sensations can quickly spread, eventually paralyzing your whole body. In its most severe form, Guillain-Barre syndrome is a medical emergency requiring hospitalization.

The cause of the weakness and paralysis of GBS is the loss of myelin, which is the material that coats nerve cells (the loss of myelin is called demyelination). Myelin is an insulating substance which is wrapped around nerves in the body, serving to speed conduction of nerve impulses. Without myelin, nerve conduction slows or stops. GBS has a short, severe course. It causes inflammation and destruction of the myelin sheath, and it disturbs multiple nerves. Therefore, it is considered an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.

The reason for the destruction of myelin in GBS is unknown, although it is thought that the underlying problem is autoimmune in nature. An autoimmune disorder is one in which the body's immune system, trained to fight against such foreign invaders as viruses and bacteria, somehow becomes improperly programmed. The immune system becomes confused, and is not able to distinguish between foreign invaders and the body itself. Elements of the immune system are unleashed against areas of the body, resulting in damage and destruction. For some reason, in the case of GBS, the myelin sheath appears to become a target for the body's own immune system.

The first symptoms of GBS consist of muscle weakness (legs first, then arms, then face), accompanied by prickly, tingling sensations (paresthesias). Symptoms affect both sides of the body simultaneously, a characteristic that helps distinguish GBS from other causes of weakness and paresthesias. Normal reflexes are first diminished, then lost. The weakness eventually affects all the voluntary muscles, resulting in paralysis. When those muscles necessary for breathing become paralyzed, the patient must be placed on amechanical ventilator which takes over the function of breathing. This occurs about 30% of the time. Very severely ill GBS patients may have complications stemming from other nervous system abnormalities which can result in problems with fluid balance in the body, severely fluctuating blood pressure, and heart rhythm irregularities.

How Flu Spreads

People with flu can spread it to others up to about 6 feet away. Most experts think that flu viruses are spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person might also get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth or nose.

(To avoid this, people should wash their hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. Linens, eating utensils, and dishes belonging to those who are sick should not be shared without washing thoroughly first. Eating utensils can be washed either in a dishwasher or by hand with water and soap and do not need to be cleaned separately.)

Click here if you want to read more from the Center for Disease Control

In Closing: When I read this, I think about working as a cashier and how many times people come into the store sick... In their hands they have flu medication... Their mouths aren't covered... They of course are resting their hands on the counter as they fill out their checks or signs the credit card receipts with the same pen every other customer signs with... Then before they leave, they decide they need to cough of sneeze... Everyone in front of them (Me) and everyone behind them all at that point becomes infected... I don't understand how people knowing that they are contagious still goes out in the public and feels it is necessary to share their flu with others... There are many people who have auto-immune diseases and that one lack of judgement could cost someone their life... We don't know what someone else may be fighting or if they have cancer... Can you even imagine knowing that by my stupidity and lack of regard for others that I could have killed someone? If you are sick enough to where you have to cough and sneeze all over those around you, why not call someone to pick up the medication... Wow, what a concept that would be... I know I am sarcastic over this... But wouldn't anyone be if they got the flu from someone who coughed and then you end up paralyzed for almost a year because they didn't have the common courtesy to stay home...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

SO TEMPTED! Casting Crowns

Casting Crowns Coming to Vegas... And I Won't Be There... :(

I am so tempted to drive to Las Vegas on Sunday night to go see Casting Crowns... Between them and Mandisa, they are the subjects of many blogs... I am on their mailing list for when they get close to my area... Then I see just last night that they are going to be 2 hours away from me... Ughhhhh how did this get past my eyes?  So now I am having a dilemma in my brain... I want to see them, have waited for a long long long time for them to be close enough and take a chance... Maybe I could bribe someone to drive down with or pray that they come again and I find out sooner... One of the songs they sing "Voice of Truth" is the song that plays in my dreams alot... So now what? Do I go or do I not? But then if I was suppose to go, maybe I would have seen the notice sooner... This is NOT cool at all... But I am going over different thoughts right now on this... But then I don't even know if there are any tickets available or what the cost is... Hmmmm "WHAT TO DO?" I am way bummed to find out that they are going to be only 2 hours away... What would be absolutely perfect is if Mandisa and Casting Crowns played together... WOW... Atleast in my thoughts that would be a WOW moment... I told my friend Lynda that I was going to try to drive down or up, where ever it is and see them... Hmmmm, she didn't like that idea at all... It isn't like Casting Crowns would come to St. George to do a concert here... But that would be totally awesome too... I would let them stay here at my house :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Barter Clubs and Freecycle - Awesome Deals

I was thinking about this today, well for sometime... What is a barter club? I belong to one on Facebook... I also belong to Freecycle through Yahoo Groups...

This is what the meaning of Barter says in the dictionary... 

 Barter is a system under which goods and services are exchanged instead of currency. Barter is also the actual goods or services that are being exchanged.(noun)
An example of barter is when the people within a community exchange goods and services so that money needn't be used. An example of barter is bread provided in exchange for butter.
To barter is to provide a good or service in exchange for another good and service rather than using or accepting currency. (verb)
An example of barter is your ability to fix plumbing for someone else's ability to fix electrical issues.

The reason I have been thinking about this is that I don't think that people understand what it means to barter... I see advertisements on the group for items for sale or trade... There are also some adds for making money at home... When I think of barter, what comes to mind is that I will trade you this item or service for an item or service you have... It's almost like it has become a place to get rid of things cheap and to advertise items... It drives me crazy when someone posts something on there that is for sale and not for trading of services... 

If you live in St. George, Utah or Washington County Utah you can check out the barter page on Facebook... 

I love Bartering... My husband and I have been doing this bartering thing to find the right vehicle for him... We offered my '72 Nova and he traded it for a 2000 GMC Sonoma plus cash... He didn't do a very good job at bartering... So I took over the bartering for the family... Then I got online and traded his 2000 Sonoma for a 1999 Ford Expedition... And it was an Eddie Bauer at that with all the bells and whistles... That was a great trade... It is a gas hog though... Then the other day we seen an add on craigslist that said someone was looking for a SUV because they had a large family and they offered up a 1998 Mustang GT  Convertible... Now my husband loves Mustangs and add the GT with the convertible... That is a winning combination for him... We went and looked at the Stang and it sounded awesome... I'm not fond of the color since it is black... So now Chuck has a Mustang GT Convertible that he can have fun in and the other guy has something that works for him... When we do trades like this, NO CASH exchanges hands, only titles... We will have to pay for the title and registration, which is under $100.00, but it is worth it... I will post a better picture of the Mustang when I get them... This was with my cell phone... 

But it gets me that people don't understand what it means to barter... It's something that people have done throughout history because they had no money... Money isn't suppose to exchange hands for the most part... We did have to take some for the Nova since it was worth alot more than what the truck was... 

Freecylcle and Craigslist: One person's trash, another's treasure

If you go to Yahoo groups and put in the search Freecycle and your area... For me we put in freecycle Washington county, Utah and the group pops up... With this group it connects you with people in your area that is wanting items, giving away items, services and it's all for free... They do ask that people be willing to offer and not only receive... I have found so many items and given away items on there... The only thing usually is that you have to pick up the item that you have agreed to take... I love it... This week I was looking for a spare TV for a spare room and I picked up a working 32 inch TV... It costed me the time and a little gas, but that was all... In the past I have gotten furniture, cloths, bedding, curtains, school supplies, computer screens, dishes, flowers and many other things... I have also made sure to use Freecycle when I want to give something away... So you want to play nice... You can find anything from toys, cloths, furniture, pets and whatever else on there and all for free... What I try to do if I don't get rid of it on freecycle, I will then give it to the Hope Chest Thrift Store... That way it is helping someone in need... Why buy something if someone is giving away the item you are looking for? There are a few people I would like to put on freecycle and I would even be willing to deliver them to the new owner free of charge...

On Craigslist, I am a little more careful but they have a Free and Barter Section... I always worry about spammers over there... I make sure it is local numbers I can contact... But I have gotten some great deals for others on there... 

Monday, September 19, 2011

It's A Good Morning...

As many know about me is that I love the songs that Mandisa sings... This is one of those songs that makes you feel good from the time it starts... It makes me want to get going... The CD that has this song on it is my driving CD and even if I am having a hard day this one seems to make it all better... This song is on her "Stronger" CD... It would be great to wake up in this kind of a mood and have it carry us all the way through the day... If I know it is going to be a long day, I find this song gives me that extra jolt of something good... I am not a morning person, but this song makes me want to be a morning person to hear the birds singing and watch the sun rise while grabbing a latte... It doesn't make me want to Zumba though... I am putting two videos of this song on here... The first one is the official one with lyrics and the second one is a group doing Zumba to the song... Mandisa is way into the Zumba scene... The words to the song is also below the video's...

Official "Good Morning" with Lyrics

Group doing Zumba to "Good Morning" 

Lyrics to 'Good Morning" by Mandisa and featuring Toby Mac-

Wave away my yesterday
Cause I'm leaving it behind me.
Hello sunshine, come what may.
I feel something new inside me.
I hear the birds singing
Now my alarm's ringing
Get up, get up, hey!

It's a good morning!
Wake up to a brand new day
This morning,
I'm stepping, stepping on my way
Good morning,
You give me strength,
You give me just what I need
And I can feel the hope that's rising in me.
It's a good morning

Slow down, breathe in,
Don't move ahead
I'm just living in this moment
I've got my arms raised, un-phased
Jump out of bed
Gotta get this party going
I went to bed dreaming,
You woke me up singing
Get up, get up, hey!

It's a good morning!
Wake up to a brand new day
This morning,
I'm stepping, stepping on my way
Good morning,
You give me strength,
you give me just what I need
And I can feel the hope that's rising up in me.
It's a good morning

Now I'm smiling, and I'm kissing all my worries goodbye
Got the feeling, if I spread my wings I might even fly
You are my truth, my way
Give me the strength to say
Get up, get up, get up
Cause it's a good morning, hey

Mr. Mac to the mic

[Toby Mac]
Hey, top of the morning to you 'disa
You smoothie, me ice cold pizza
Cafe au lait, latte dah
You do the zumba, but I do not
Give me like half a marathon,
I'll give you the gospel of St. John.
Hits me like a wake-up bomb
Cuz' we both know that His mercy flows,
In the morning.

Wake up to a brand new day
This morning,
I'm stepping, stepping on my way
Good morning,
You give me strength,
you give me just what I need
I can feel the hope that's rising up in me.
It's a good morning
Wake up to a brand new day
This morning,
I'm stepping, stepping on my way
Good morning,
You give me strength you give me just what I need
I can feel the hope that's rising up in me.
It's a good morning

[Toby Mac]
Top of the morning to you 'disa
Hey, top of the morning to you girl
To-to-top of the morning to you 'disa
Morning little Miss Sunshine.
Man, you morning people.
No, I'm serious. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

How Are You Today? Loaded Question

First off, I have to say that there are many I care about in my life and I am sure they care about me... What got me thinking about this is a lady in line at a grocery store and the clerk asks everyone, "How Are  You Today?" My mind begins to wonder if he/she really cares. Or is she just making small talk?

When I worked at a local grocery store, I could say that if I asked that question than I would want the truth. But then at times those answers would get long and others would say I was talking too much... But, you don't want to just stand in front of the customer looking stupid and not acknowledged them... It was nothing to come home with prayer requests everyday from customers who knew that I believe in prayer and that I genuinely cared about them... I would ask them when they came back to the store how things were going with whoever or whatever... Then on the flip side, you have clerks that ask about how a person is and the customer will say... After they leave, the clerk will say something to the effect of  "Did I ask for their life story?" I think those clerks should be working in stocking or the store rooms... Maybe they should be working in the cooler and chill out a bit...

Then I was thinking about this in my own life... When someone asks me how I am doing, for the most part I will say I am fine and leave it at that or that I am OK... That's when you start talking about the weather... The reason why is because I don't want to go into this long story and complicated one at that and bore them... It isn't like they would understand what I am talking about anyway and they have their own set of problems... So why worry those poor cashiers with mine, right? Plus, they are there to do their job, not be a on the spot counselor and mender of all troubles... Sometimes I think I say too much anyhow and then it complicates things and I don't like to take advantage of others... So I leave things at, I'm OK... It's easier and safer to do that... Might be a good reply for most when asked when you are at the grocery store and in life...

Marjorie Divan and JJ 
My mother in law, bless her heart was good at this... Mom would get into line at the store and they would ask how she was... She would go into anything and everything there was... I'm sure the poor lady regretted asking how she was when she was told about all her ills and woes... I think some things are better left alone and not be be shared with just anyone and everyone... What should have taken about 10 minutes to get out of line and get the groceries in the car turned into a 30 minute conversation at the register... I would try to get her going, but that wasn't in the cards... Not only did she have these conversations in the store, it took us over an hour at appointments that should have been 15 minutes long... She said she never said much, but I know she was good at talking... Gotta love mom though... She was a sweet little lady...

Can you imagine standing in a line of waiting customers and the clerk asks you how you are and you tell them everything... I would run for the doors at that point... Not everyone needs to know what is going on... I think there are many times it is OK to say OK... These people don't really want to know, they are trained to talk small talk lingo and most are being watched by supervisors or being timed to see how fast they can get you out of the store... There are many things I don't think we should be sharing with a grocery store clerk or even those in our own lives... So resist, because next time they may pawn you off on some other poor unsuspecting cashier...

In Closing: Maybe small talk is better talk... It won't come back and bite you in the hinney... And it won't bore people or put them on the spot... Sometimes the less said the better... At least that is my thought today...  Going into personal problems may not be a good thing when you know what you are saying isn't safe with that person... And I guarantee you that someone you don't know or waits on you doesn't want to hear your life story... Be careful what you say and who you say it too...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why Call Someone Dead, "Late"?

Princes Diana's Funeral 
I was reading about Prince Harry and they were saying he is the youngest son of the late Princes Diana of Wales... Now what I think of when I hear the word late is that they aren't going to be on time, but eventually will make it... I wouldn't think that Diana living would be late for anything anyhow... For example when someone is suppose to be at a specific location or meet someone at 8:00 am and they show up at 9:00 am... Then they would be considered late... Now my mind is wondering about why they call people that have died, "late"...

Here are some of the theories out there for using the term LATE...

Perhaps the most common reason behind such usage is for purposes of softening the blow.  When people refer to individuals who have passed away, and especially when they are loved ones or family members, it’s tough to actually state that they are “dead.”  That’s why we look for ways to make it sound softer and lighter to listen to.

It’s very grave when we call someone “dead.”  Terms like “passed away” or “late” is then more preferred when it comes to calling the recently deceased. Dead is a strong word that might not be suitable for use especially in sensitive situations.  That is why you often hear people referring to their deceased loved ones as “late.” 

My thoughts are that the word "late" makes me feel like they are going to be walking through the door at some point in time... I guess when I die, it's OK to use the word that I am dead, gone, with Christ, or passed away... I don't like to be late to places, so I would prefer people not use that term when talking about me being dead... I think the word "dead" is OK to use anyhow... Some say it is harsh to say it that way... To me I wonder if it is harsher for someone to expect their loved one to show up at the next family dinner. I would find peace in knowing that my loved one is no longer suffering and are with Christ... We are dead in some sense, but alive in Christ... That is if you are a believer in Christ and have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior... 

In closing: My wondering mind has not been put at ease and I am still wondering about using the term "late" for someone who has died... I looked it up and they all say that it is a nicer way to say that someone has died... Hmmmm... Maybe that's why Elizabeth Taylor wanted to be late for her own funeral...   

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friends That Go the Distance

You know what is nice? When you have people around you who are willing to come out to help at a moments notice... I have seen this happen over and over again... I normally don't like to point people out, but I think I should on here without embarrassing them... This is about special friends that go the distance...  I had to steal their pictures off of Facebook... Hope that is OK if you are reading this :) I don't have everyone's pictures... That could be a good or bad thing depending on who you are talking too...
Chris and Dick 
Chris and Dick have been great... I don't know how many times they have come to the rescue... I can't even count or begin to count how many times Chris and Dick has been there.  If I haven't been feeling good, they have made sure I got home... Not any fun getting sick when your driving... Has happened way too much for my own good... With how far they have to come, I don't like to ask for much... Last night Chris drove all the way up here to bring cold and flu medicine because I decided I needed to get sick from Bridgette and Chuck... That was not cool... I would have drove down to get some, but she save me a trip... I don't do very good at driving after a certain time... May have been a safer option... I think Chris is my voice of reason when I have no reason to think things out...

Jenn, Zuriah, Scotti & JayAnna and Scott
Jenn and Scott have been there too... I can't even count the times they have had to get Ricky back in the  pen. RIP Ricky the Bull... Just the other night when my sister and niece needed to move and they only had one person showing up that could do anything. I called Scott and asked him if he could do me a favor. He didn't think twice. He came up here and worked 4 hours to help with my sister and niece. I only had $8.00 for gas for him and I know their situation, and still they came because I asked them... What a blessing to have the Beasley's as friends and I call them family... Jenn BTW has a very sweet mom :)

Lynda smooching on JJ
Dear sweet Lynda ... She has a heart of gold... One of these days I need to go see her... She has driven up I don't know how many times to visit and she made it possible for me to meet Mandisa this year... She went over the top on arranging this.  Even if she didn't arrange that, she has a very special place in my heart and is a lady that I am proud to call friend and a Sister in Christ... I can't say enough about Lynda and how God uses her to touch the lives of those around her...What's funny about Lynda is that she retired from Nestle/Purina last year and now she is even busier than she was when she was working... 

Roy and BJ (Background is Angie)
Roy and BJ have been awesome... Yesterday they came up just to say hi and they have been wonderful in many ways... I know they don't want to be embarrassed or a big deal made... If they read this, know that they are near and dear to my heart... My mother in law loved them and she did many... They would call me mother, but I think it is the other way around... It would confuse people since they are a couple years at least older than I am, lol
Nellie the Upcoming Butcher

Then I have my other friend who I promised to not mention her name... But you know who you are... Thanks for editing this for me... 

Nellie, Nellie, Nellie, how many would come up here to help me cut meat from our dear Ricky... None of us here at the house had the heart... We still haven't had any of the meat to eat... Too soon I think... She is getting ready to move and she will be missed... Good thing for the internet and phones... She is one of those friends you can pick up where you left off at...

There are so many friends that I have that have gone out of their way... I would need a book to write about them all... There are those who are at church and all around me... Many who I haven't seen for a long time, but when I pick up the phone, we can talk like it was yesterday... This is how it is with my friend Jerri in Denver...

Then you have family that are friends, and I will be writing about family that are more like friends later... I haven't even covered my online friends who listen to me vent, and all the other fun stuff that goes with that... Thanks Denise Dealy and Sue :) 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Headline: Women Drives Over Cliff!

Evil Fly Devising His Plan to Take Over
If I am alone in this, than I would be shocked... I'm driving into town with my windows rolled up... It was pretty blasted hot here... Then on the seat next to me is sitting this little fly... He is coming up with a plan to take over my life in the car... I try to play nice and roll my windows down and let him go free... Does that work? NO! He decides he wants to toy with me and lands my my hand I am steering with... How can such a little pest like a fly cause total chaos in my car?  This fly is not a stupid fly... It tries to dive bomb my head and makes this buzzing noise that is driving me nuts... I should be going about 65 mph by this time... I am on my speaker phone with my husband at the same time too... I told him if I die in an accident, it's the flies fault, lol... Instead I am looking for an old magazine or flyer to roll up and kill that sucker... BTW, how long do flies normally live... I think it has outlasted the days of it's pesty little life... I was reading somewhere that they have a lifespan of only three days... I think that is hogwash... This fly was annoying me for what seemed like months... That is unless it is devising this horrible plan to take over my car and mass produce by sending one tiny fly out at a time... That has got to be what is going on with that... 
Eventually I had to pull off the road and locate that fly that was going to cause me to drive off the side of the mountain and kill it... I'm pretty sure everyone behind me was thinking I was some crazy women  with her arms flying all over the car... They were more than likely happy I pulled over and they felt safe within the confines of their cars, lol...  For all of you that think every living creature should have a chance to live, sorry to let you know that your friend is dead and you can pick him up on SR 18 in Southern Utah... I could imagine the headline on that one...

Women Drives Over Cliff- Driver Dies and Passenger 'The Fly" Dies Laughing and Lives to Tell!  More at 11 ...

Here is some information on my pesty now dead passenger: 

Ever since flies were sent to plague the Pharaohs, we have been shooing them, swatting them and swearing at them.The fly most frequently associated with man is the common housefly (Musca Domestica), found everywhere and predominant in food establishments. The housefly has long been known to be a carrier of diseases. Among the most important are dysentery, cholera, typhoid, infantile or summer diarrhea, pink-eye, tuberculosis and smallpox. Besides these there are probably about 25 more diseases that may be transmitted by this vector, including pinworms, roundworms and tapeworms. A fly may carry 4,000,000 bacteria on its body and over 28,000,000 in its stomach.

You can read more about this pesty little creature on   

You can also go to Wikipedia and read about some useful things with flies... Mainly the maggots they can use to help eat away dead tissue... My grandma who had gangrenous had the Dr's use them and let me say it was NASTY... But it worked... But bad imagery problems... 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Can if Be that I was RIGHT about SpongeBob?

If anyone has young preschool aged kids in their home, more than likely you will know who SpongeBob Squarepants is... I would only know this because my youngest grandson JJ loves the show and they were staying with us for some time... So SpongeBob, Patrick, Mr Krabs and Squidward... There are a bunch of other characters also... Too many deep sea creatures for my brain to wrap around...  I've been waiting to do a blog like this one, lol... Finally something to prove my theories, lol... I love it when I can say I am RIGHT...

But this study that just came out has said what I thought all along... And in my brain, I don't think it should be exclusively for preschoolers... I think it works for 50 yr old truck drivers that watch the show... I am talking about my husband Chuck, lol... My dog Jasper isn't too impressed with him either... It's like ' This is your brain, this is your brain on SpongeBob, lol... But this is the jest of the study results... The cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants is in hot water from a study suggesting that watching just nine minutes of that program can cause short-term attention and learning problems in 4-year-olds. That't not  very nice SpongeBob if you ask me and it say's alot when I observe my grandsons... It's all coming to light... Then later in the article they said:  She said parents should realize that young children are compromised in their ability to learn and use self-control immediately after watching such shows. “I wouldn’t advise watching such shows on the way to school or any time they’re expected to pay attention and learn,’’ she said. For those who have never watched the show, I will give you a rundown and of all things a short video clip from youtube... 

Main Charactors: Thank you Wikipedia for the rundown... 

SpongeBob SquarePants is the title character of Spongebob SquarePants. He is a sea sponge who physically resembles an artificial, kitchen-type sponge and lives in a pineapple-shaped house. He is often shown in the series working at a restaurant called the The Krusty Krab as a fry cook. He seems to worship the Krabby Patty. SpongeBob's hobbies in the show include practicing karate with Sandy, catching jellyfish and blowing intricate bubbles with Patrick. He attends Mrs. Puff's Boating School, but has never passed; his lack of a driver's license serves as a running gag throughout the series. He (so far) appears in every episode in the series. He is often seen at his job. It is implied that although he has no experience, he has talent in the arts. He also is on the feminine side due to trademark issues. Green and purple were early color choices for the character before his classic and current yellow was chosen.

Patrick Star is a pink, lazy, overweight, and dimwitted starfish who is SpongeBob's best friend. He lives under a rock and his most prominent character trait is his low intelligence. Depicted as a negative influence on SpongeBob, he encourages dangerous and foolish activities that often get the two into trouble. While typically unemployed throughout the course of the series, Patrick holds various short-term jobs as the storyline of each episode requires. He is good-natured and like SpongeBob, wears his heart on his sleeve. He is "the tough one" between the two and is often called to fight SpongeBob's battles for him (although he usually gets distracted). SpongeBob is the only character that Patrick shows any real emotions for. Patrick is shown to have a mean temper in some episodes and can only be calmed by his best friend's encouraging words.

Squidward Q. Tentacles is SpongeBob and Patrick's cephalopod neighbor. Squidward has been referred to as a squid by the series creators, but he referred himself as an octopus once. He lives in a house shaped like an Easter Island Head. He loves art, and has dreams of being a great and respected artist. He also enjoys playing his clarinet, but those hearing him play it do not enjoy his amateurish playing. He works as a cashier at the Krusty Krab, a job he dislikes. SpongeBob and Patrick consider Squidward their friend, but the feeling is not reciprocated. There have been indications, though, that Squidward cares more for SpongeBob than he is willing to admit. His archenemy is Squilliam (Dee Bradley Baker), the successful version of Squidward. He met him in his high school band class.

Sandy Cheeks is a squirrel who is another of SpongeBob's best friends. She is the series' only terrestrial character, living in the "Treedome", which is an underwater dome that contains a large oak tree. She is a scientist who practices karate with SpongeBob and enjoys extreme sports.She is from the U.S. state of Texas, and speaks with a stereotypical southern accent with Texas dialect.
Captain Eugene Harold "Armor Abs" Krabs (is an extremely cheap and greedy red crab. He lives in an anchor. He is the owner of the Krusty Krab, as well as SpongeBob and Squidward's employer. He also has a daughter named Pearl  (who is a whale) but there have been no references to her mother/his wife. He has a grandfather named Redbeard. The Krusty Krab was originally a retirement home called "The Rusty Krab" when Mr. Krabs bought it after the war. But then it went bankrupt, so he changed it into a resturaunt and re-named it "The Krusty Krab" In some episodes, it is shown that he has a mutual crush on Mrs. Puff. It is revealed in a 2000 episode that he was born November 30, 1942.

Sheldon James Plankton is owner of the Chum Bucket and arch enemy of Mr. Krabs. He is always trying to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula but is always unsuccessful. He often thinks and speaks of evil anarchist points of view and wishes to rule the world. He sells chum which is disgusting slop of innards and blood that is often used to attract sharks and other predatory fish. He has a computer wife named Karen, who is actually a "W.I.F.E." (Wired Integrated Female Electroencephalograph). Karen usually gives Plankton ideas to steal the Krabby Patty formula, which he often censors out and takes them as his.
Garold "Gary" The Snail is SpongeBob's pet sea snail. Within the series, snails are analogous to cats, so Gary almost always vocalizes like a feline. Despite this, other characters can understand and communicate with him. Depicted as a level-headed character, Gary sometimes serves as a voice of reason for SpongeBob, and solves problems that his owner cannot. He is sometimes nicknamed "Gare-Bear" by SpongeBob, and it is revealed in "A Pal for Gary" that his full first name is Garold. 

Here is a video clip from SpongeBob... Endless Summer 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Other Planets Like Earth

OK! This has boggled my mind for some time and it was jolted again today when I was reading about how there is more than 50 new alien planets — including one so-called super-Earth that could potentially support life — have been discovered by an exoplanet-hunting telescope from the European Southern Observatory (ESO).

FYI-The U.S spends about $18.7 billion dollars in 2010 on space exploration. 

Now this is what boggles my mind about this... NASA is doing all of thier study's and so are other countries to see if these other planets could support life...  I have no issue if they are doing things that directly affect us... But give me a break... No way does planets in other solar systems that people can live on affects me... This is my rambling thoughts on this...

  1. Are they going to ask God to create a new Earth and populate like ours was created? Oh wait, forgot most scientist thinks we come from apes... Scratch that one... 
  2. Are they planning on having people from our Earth sent over to the new super-earth. Are they expecting our Earth to fizzle out and die and we will be transported to other inhabitable solar systems?
  3. Maybe we can be like Mork and Mindy where they send Mork from Ork in an egg shaped vessel and we will be transported that way... Sounds interesting... Wonder if there will be a Mindy waiting on the other side or some hideous creature... NOT GOING THERE... 
  4. Maybe they are curious and want to compare our world to theirs... But so far I haven't seen any other little peoples or big peoples running around any of these so called places... But remember that curiosity killed the cat... 
  5. I know... I think I got it... They have nothing better to spend billions of dollars on other than counting the stars and finding planets that have no people or life... Geezers, what was I thinking that people on our Earth could benefit from the billions of dollars spent to check out planets that have no hungry, starving or homeless people... 
  6. Maybe they are thinking these somewhat inhabital planets are a good place to send the pedophiles, child murders(Casey Anthony) and all the evil doers too... Not sure there is a planet big enough for that...  
Seriously, I wonder why we spend so much money on searching for other planets... I think that it's great that NASA does things that effect us... But does studying planets and wondering if humans can live there justify the cost... Unless they plan on doing what they did in the show WALL-E and send all the people to another place and let this world get cleaned up by robots, I think they should spend money on better things... This is the story line for WALL-E; 

In a distant, but not so unrealistic future, where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from products sold by the powerful multi-national Buy N Large corporation, WALL-E, a garbage collecting robot has been left to clean up the mess.

Frank the Pug from Men in Black
Now, when I think about this, I have to ask myself if I think there could be life out there... I would say 'Maybe"... I think anything is possible... Not sure if they would be little green aliens or something out of Men in Black... Egads, wouldn't that be horrible to encounter some of those horrible things unless it is Frank... He is a cute alien... But, I don't worry about it if there is aliens out there... I think we have enough aliens in our own world... We are all aliens here... I am an alien here on earth because this isn't my home... My home is with Christ... But these are my thoughts and I am sure that not everyone will agree with me and that's OK with me... 

In Closing: I think we should be spending more of the money on helping those in our own world then worrying about what is going on in other worlds... We have a horrible deficit... We have starving families. We have families living on the streets... We have people who can't afford to get medical care...  I would prefer to help the aliens in our own world rather than being curious about other worlds lingering around in space... If they must check things out, stay in our own solar system for goodness sake... Besides, after seeing what some peoples thoughts are on what an alien from outer space would look like, I think I would like to leave them there and not worry about them... They leave us alone and we leave them alone... Kinda makes me think about the wars we get into in other countries... But that is another topic in itself :) 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Grandparents Day

I think many didn't know that also on September 11th, we celebrate Grandparents Day... I would like to say one thing... When looking at the picture below and you see how the grandparents are up there in years and grey and stuff... You know what grandparents should look like according to many... I have to say that I have 4 grandsons and I don't have grey hair like that... Hmmm, are they stereotyping or what?  

In 1978, President Carter proclaimed Grandparent's Day as a National Holiday, to be celebrated in September. 

Grandma Minnie, Grandpa Doyle,
Grandpa Harry and Grandma Davis (1962)

Grandparents are our heritage and are essential members of our families and communities.  That is why a special day, National Grandparent's Day, is set aside every year to honor them.  Here is an opportunity for you to spend some time with your grandparent, have fun, and create a project together that spotlights his or her life. 

I would like to give tribute to my grandparents... All are in the arms of Jesus right now and their memories live on... Here are my memories of my grandparents... 

Grandpa Harry- He was a quiet man who loved my grandma Grace... I can remember one late night that grandpa was sitting out on the porch and he was crying... He wanted to be with Grandma Grace... I never knew how lonely and how much she was his rock until that point... When she died, a part of him died too... Grandpa loved to garden and read books... We would find him in his room reading all the time... 
Sister Brenda, Grandpa Harry and Grandma Grace

Grandma Grace- I loved my Grandma Grace... She had a bit of a temper, but you knew she loved you... She would get mad, throw boots and swear at us in German... It's kinda funny when I say she swore in German when she was also a Sunday School teacher... Two of my fondest memories of Grandma was at Christmas time... She loaded her bed full of toys and we got to choose out what we wanted... None of them were wrapped... I chose out a purple stuffed poodle first... And then I remember how much she loved red tulips... We went to visit her after her leg got amputated and I remember picking red tulips in our front yard and bringing them to her... 

Grandpa Doyle- Grandpa Doyle (Duggen) was my dads dad... Everyone called him Duggen for some off the wall reason... He was a farmer through and through... What I remember most about him was when we lived in Hyder Az, he would take us on hikes... We went up to a mountain called Montezumas Head... He would teach us about rocks and stuff... But it was pretty awesome that he took the time to do that with us... Grandpa was very limber, even into later in life... He could walk on his knees with his legs crossed... He was also funny when he would visit us from Indiana... He wanted my mom to make her special Mexican dish of lasagna,lol... He didn't know it was Italian, he knew we lived close to Mexico, so it meant it was Mexican,lol... 

Grandma Minnie- I really don't remember her... She died in an explosion from what I understand... I was too young... 

Grandma Becky- Oh how I loved Grandma Becky... She had a potty mouth like you wouldn't believe... She taught me how to walk on one of those wooden wheels that you use for cables...Not sure if you know what I mean... But they are huge... My parents would get so mad at the stuff we would get into when grandma Becky was around... I think also I remember how she swore when she was in the hospital that she would outlive my grandma Doyle if it took all she had... She used other colorful words, but not putting them here... But she was hilarious... And she did outlive my grandpa by two weeks... I don't have any pictures of her... But the picture I have here fits her... 

Then I would like to add a special part to this for my grandsons... I have 4 of the cutest grandsons ever... My oldest is Tyson, then there is Jace and Ashton... These boys are my daughter Beckiah's boys... And then Jason(JJ), is my youngest belonging to Jessica... Both of my daughters married guys named Jason... They wanted to confuse me, and believe me when I say, that is not hard to do... 
I love all of my grandsons and I would like to wish everyone a happy Grandparents Day...